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Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: pt cze 02, 2017 11:02 pm
autor: gregpol
chartsurfer pisze:W 1985 roku przez kilka miesięcy uwzględniana była lista z Cypru
Tak, zauważyłem - wspomnę o tym jeszcze w odpowiednim czasie.
chartsurfer pisze:Rynki sprzedaży singli w takich krajach jak Portugalia, Irlandia, Norwegia, Szwecja, Dania, czy Finlandia były małe
No ale... cegiełka do cegiełki i jak się dane z tych krajów skumulowały - to też mogły coś wspomóc.
chartsurfer pisze:a w Grecji sprzedaż singli w ogóle nie istniała czy jak piszą w M&M był to wtedy rynek wirtualny.
A tego jeszcze nie doczytałem, ale oglądając dane na Discogs - to faktycznie wygląda to dosyć mizernie.
chartsurfer pisze:Nie wiem na jakiej zasadzie były uwzględniane dane z Grecji przy kompilowaniu Eurochart.
To bardzo ciekawa sprawa i pozostaje do wyjaśnienia...
chartsurfer pisze:Układanie European Hot 100 w Eurotipsheet a M&M dużo się nie różniło.
Nie wiem, czy dużo czy mało, ale moim zdaniem, tak na "chłopski rozum" jednak się różniło - nawet bez czytania tych danych wyjaśniających.
chartsurfer pisze:Nie wiem natomiast czemu jesteś rozczarowany wczesnymi notowaniami European Top 100. Ciekawy temat do dyskusji.
Spójrz na niemiecki numer #1 - jak mozolnie wspina się w górne rejony tabeli.

W 1988 roku, taka sytuacja będzie nie do pomyślenia - ten singiel, wg zasad przyjętych później - powinien być już co najmniej w pierwszej dwudziestce, bo sprzedaż singli w tym kraju była zawsze wysoka i nawet jeśli nie tak wysoka jak w Wielkiej Brytanii (jak piszą w Eurotipsheet) to i tak #63 miejsce jest podejrzanie za niskie. W ogóle, single z Europy kontynentalnej, które nie goszczą na brytyjskiej liście przebojów, będą miały problem z wejściem do pierwszej dziesiątki Eurotipsheetu.
chartsurfer pisze:Porównujesz je z Eurpoarade? Była to lista układana na zupełnie innych zasadach i również jak Eurochart nie była "doskonała".
Nie, ja nie porównuję obu tych list (doskonale wiem jak powstawała Europarade) - w tym temacie traktuję Europarade jako poprzedniczkę European Hot 100 i to wszystko. Chcę ją jeszcze "wykorzystać" w tym wątku, w podsumowaniu punktowym, na wypadek jakichś ewentualnych "absurdów", które chyba jednak będą miały miejsce - ale... spokojnie, zobaczymy co będzie dalej...
chartsurfer pisze:Tu zacznę od tego, że również uwielbiałem audycje Fabiańskiego i czekałem na dwie: na piątkową o 22 i ELP.
A ja na: "ELP", "Studio stereo zaprasza", "Klub stereo" i "Piosenki na życzenie" - a wcześniej istniały jeszcze: "Zanim trafią na listy przebojów" i "Muzyka na 33 i 45 obrotów".
chartsurfer pisze:Co do audycji piątkowej Słuchajmy razem, to nie puszczał tam nagrań, które wykazywał we wyżej wspomnianych raportach. Leciało tam głównie Italo Disco, Euro Disco, były prezentowane Italo Boot Mixy, Max Mixy no i oczywiście polskiej produkcji Witold Mixy!! (kto je jeszcze pamięta?). Sposób prezentowania nagrań miał taki, że puszczał je na antenie w całości dopiero wtedy jak były to już baaardzo ograne kawałki na wszystkich większych, ówczesnych dyskotekach. Jako jednocześnie prezenter radiowy i dj nie chciał sobie psuć biznesu. Ale przyznaję ci rację, że mimo wcześniejszego ogrania na imprezach to na antenie radiowej były to wtedy faktycznie premiery!
Nie, to ja miałem na myśli jednak audycje, które wymieniłem wcześniej i tam naprawdę leciały same nowości - w całości, które zazwyczaj tydzień później trafiały na listę "Top 30 Disco-Dance" (była już kiedyś o tym mowa w temacie "Top 30 Przeboje do tańca) i być może właśnie stamtąd pochodziły te raporty. Moim zdaniem, one nie są zmyślone.
chartsurfer pisze:W interesującym mnie okresie (druga połowa lat 80ych, kiedy to zaczął pisać raporty airplay do M&M) z programem 1 raczej związany nie był.
Był.. był... chociaż w pierwszej połowie lat 80-tych bardziej (np. "Lista przebojów programu pierwszego"), ale w drugiej też ---> "Muzyka nocą" (z soboty na niedzielę) i być może jeszcze coś.
chartsurfer pisze:Zerkam sobie w tym momencie na raport Fabiańskiego z 18.04.87 i nie kojarzę, żeby w "Słuchajmy razem" leciało Europe "Carrie", Level 42 czy Genesis "Tonight, Tonight".
W "Słuchajmy razem" - nie, ale w innych audycjach na 100% były i wszystkie trafiły na wspomnianą wcześniej listę "Top 30 Disco-Dance".


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 03, 2017 2:00 pm
autor: chartsurfer

No to po kolei:
- jeżeli chodzi o państwa o małych rynkach sprzedaży singli, to uściślić należy, że interesują nas w tej polemice wydane tylko w jednym z tych krajów single, które nie obejmuje European Top 100, bądź trafiają tam tylko w okolice ostatniej dziesiątki. Wiadomym jest, że singiel wydany jednocześnie w kilku mniejszych państwach może ilością sprzedaży dorównać innemu, wydanemu wyłącznie np. w Niemczech. A jak to wypadało na European Top 100, zależało tylko od EMR i ich procentowych wyliczeń dla poszczególnych państw. Warto dodać, że w Eurotipsheet przy układaniu Top 100 było brane pod uwagę 25 list sprzedaży z 16 krajów jeżeli chodzi o single i 20 list z 15 państw do albumów. Jeżeli w jednym kraju istniało kilka list, tworzonych przez różne instytucje czy organizacje, uważanych za oficjalne, wtedy EMR układało na ich podstawie jedną listę, która dopiero była brana pod uwagę przy kompilowaniu European Top 100. W Belgii oddzielne listy przebojów dla regionów flamandzkiego i walońskiego zaczęto publikować dopiero od kwietnia 1995 roku.

- teraz troszkę o rynku sprzedaży singli niemieckim i angielskim. Zauważyłeś tutaj ciekawą sprawę, że niemiecki #1 „tłucze” się dopiero gdzieś w połowie stawki. Postaram się to wytłumaczyć według posiadanej przeze mnie wiedzy. Eurotipsheet analizował coroczne raporty sprzedaży singli/albumów w poszczególnych krajach (pisałem już o tym). Jeżeli był wzrost sprzedaży w jakimś państwie, to procentowy udział w tworzeniu Top 100 tego kraju rósł. W 1988 roku, po połączeniu sił EMR i twórców konkurencyjnej listy Eurochart Hot 50 – holenderskiej instytucji Buma/Stemra, European Top 100 zamienia się w M&M w Eurochart Hot 100, a raporty sprzedaży w poszczególnych krajach są analizowane częściej, a z początkiem lat 90ych nawet kwartalnie, przez co zmiany przy układaniu listy są częstsze. Ale wracając do lat 84-88 to warto porównać na jakimś przykładzie rynki niemiecki z angielskim. Chyba mało kto zdaje sobie sprawę, jak duża była sprzedaż płyt w UK. Był to w latach 80 drugi po USA rynek na świecie. W Europie królowała Anglia, później Francja, jeżeli połączyć Belgię z Holandią (bo często były wydawane single/albumy jednocześnie tu i tu – chyba, że były to nagrania francuskojęzyczne to był układ Francja/Belgia) była by to trzecia pozycja, a RFN to dopiero czwarty zawodnik w stawce. O wielkości sprzedaży singli mogą świadczyć certyfikaty przyznawane w poszczególnych państwach: UK srebro – 250 000, złoto – 500 000, platyna 1 000 000, Francja tak samo (z tą różnicą, że nie przyznawali srebra), RFN o połowę mniej (złoto – 250 000, platyna - 500 000). Certyfikaty – certyfikatami, ale zdobyć je w RFN było ciężko. Jako przykładem posłużę się singlem jednej z największych gwiazd lat 80 – Jacksonem i jego popularnym hitem „Billie Jean”. Sprzedawał się w całej Europie bardzo dobrze, docierając do 1,2 bądź 3 miejsca w podanych wyżej krajach. W UK – złoto, Francja – platyna a w RFN – nic! Dotarł tam do drugiego miejsca (2 tygodnie), na niemieckiej liście przebywał 27 tygodni, w ścisłej TOP 10 – 11 tygodni, a nie sprzedał się w takiej ilości, żeby zasłużyć na złoto. Dużo więcej sprzedawało się albumów, osiągały większe nakłady, miesiącami bywały no topach list sprzedaży, ale RFN to również nie czołówka Europy. Weźmy dla przykładu wydany w 1986 roku album Madonny „True Blue”. Sprzedaż w Europie: UK – prawie 2 mln, Włochy – 1 500 000, Francja -1 350 000, a RFN dopiero czwarte w zestawieniu z milionem sprzedanych egzemplarzy. I myślę, że to jest wytłumaczenie takiej a nie innej pozycji niemieckiego #1 w ogólnym, europejskim zestawieniu TOP 100 w połowie lat 80ych. Później, jak sam zauważasz, lista zmieniła się na korzyść Niemiec czy innych, mniejszych krajów Europy a w 1992 roku to już w ogóle Skandynawia rozwinęła na Eurochart żagle. Ogólne zasady kompilacji tej listy są znane, ale dokładnie jak to się robi M&M nie podała nigdy.

-co do raportów Fabiańskiego, to przyznaję ci rację. Faktycznie nie słuchałem wszystkiego co grał na radiowej antenie, interesowały mnie tylko jego dwie audycje, przy czym jak usłyszałem, że w piątek poleci samo italo to raczej rezygnowałem z tej audycji. Nie trawiłem jakoś tej muzyki, a którą to mocno lansował. Po wakacjach w 1988 roku zaczął w piątek raz na miesiąc puszczać nagrania z ELP. Można wtedy było zarejestrować w całości jakiś hit, ale jak wspomniałem wcześniej, był on już bardzo ograny. Ojciec odnalazł niedawno w piwnicy karton z moimi starymi kasetami, na których to mam nagrane audycje z ELP, stąd, oraz dzięki temu, że żona ma w kuchni jeszcze takiego boomboxa na kasety i CD, oraz dzięki usłudze TrackId, udało mi się rozszyfrować nagranie otwierające Eurochart, oraz posłuchać jak Fabiański łamie sobie język na francuskich tytułach i na angielskich czasem też. Było takie nagranie na Eurochart w 88 roku „Theme From S’Express”, facet nigdy nie czytał tego po angielsku tylko zawsze było „Temat z s”Express” :D :D


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 10, 2017 8:19 am
autor: gregpol
chartsurfer pisze:Jeżeli w jednym kraju istniało kilka list, tworzonych przez różne instytucje czy organizacje, uważanych za oficjalne, wtedy EMR układało na ich podstawie jedną listę, która dopiero była brana pod uwagę przy kompilowaniu European Top 100.
Tak, tutaj zawsze Francja była znana z tego, że istanialo tam kilka niezależnych od siebie list, zresztą podobnie jak we Włoszech.
chartsurfer pisze:Chyba mało kto zdaje sobie sprawę, jak duża była sprzedaż płyt w UK. Był to w latach 80 drugi po USA rynek na świecie.
Wydaje mi się, że to jest akurat powszechnie wiadoma sprawa i chyba raczej nikt tego nie kwestionuje.
chartsurfer pisze:(...) a RFN to dopiero czwarty zawodnik w stawce. O wielkości sprzedaży singli mogą świadczyć certyfikaty przyznawane w poszczególnych państwach: UK srebro – 250 000, złoto – 500 000, platyna 1 000 000, Francja tak samo (z tą różnicą, że nie przyznawali srebra), RFN o połowę mniej (złoto – 250 000, platyna - 500 000).
W RFN złoto też przyznawano za 500 tysięcy sprzedanych singli. Ja bym jednak postawił RFN w latach 80-tych na trzecim miejscu, a w połączeniu z rynkami: Szwajcaria + Austria - to nawet na drugim, nie wspominając już o tym, że niemiecki rynek miał dosyć duży wpływ na inne kraje europejskie, to znaczy, chyba każdy numer #1 z niemieckiej listy stawał się prędzej czy później przebojem w całej (lub prawie całej) Europie - czego nie można powiedzieć np. o rynku francuskim.
chartsurfer pisze:Później, jak sam zauważasz, lista zmieniła się na korzyść Niemiec czy innych, mniejszych krajów Europy a w 1992 roku to już w ogóle Skandynawia rozwinęła na Eurochart żagle.
Ta zmiana jest już widoczna wcześniej - w 1986 roku, kiedy lista HOT 100 pojawiła się w Music & Media. Moim zdaniem, było słuszna i jednak bliższa prawdy - dlatego ją wprowadzono.
chartsurfer pisze:Ojciec odnalazł niedawno w piwnicy karton z moimi starymi kasetami, na których to mam nagrane audycje z ELP, stąd, oraz dzięki temu, że żona ma w kuchni jeszcze takiego boomboxa na kasety i CD, oraz dzięki usłudze TrackId, udało mi się rozszyfrować nagranie otwierające Eurochart (...)
Jeśli znajdziesz kiedyś czas, to możesz "zgrać" Europejską i wkleić ją np. w tym temacie... chętnie sobie przypomnę.
chartsurfer pisze:(...) oraz posłuchać jak Fabiański łamie sobie język na francuskich tytułach i na angielskich czasem też.
Być może tak było, wtedy, w latach 80-tych, trochę inaczej się to odbierało.

@chartsurfer - dzięki za fachową dyskusję w tym temacie, pozdrawiam!

Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 10, 2017 8:20 am
autor: gregpol
23.04.1984 (16/84):

1 . ( 2 . 6 ) Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . ( 1 . 11 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . ( 7 . 5 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
4 . ( 4 . 3 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
5 . ( 3 . 6 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
6 . ( 5 . 9 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
7 . ( 8 . 3 ) It's A Miracle - Culture Club
8 . ( 6 . 5 ) Jump - Van Halen
9 . ( 17 . 3 ) A Love Worth Waiting For - Shakin' Stevens
10 . ( 15 . 3 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
11 . ( 16 . 3 ) P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson
12 . ( 25 . 3 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
13 . ( 9 . 5 ) To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
14 . ( - . 1 ) Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
15 . ( 43 . 2 ) Give Me Tonight - Shannon
16 . ( 26 . 3 ) Free Nelson Mandela - Special A.K.A.
17 . ( 20 . 5 ) Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
18 . ( 13 . 5 ) Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
19 . ( 18 . 3 ) You Take Me Up - Thompson Twins
20 . ( 11 . 13 ) Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
21 . ( 19 . 6 ) Here Comes The Rain Again - Eurythmics
22 . ( 34 . 9 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
23 . ( 32 . 10 ) Break My Stride - Matthew Wilder
24 . ( 37 . 2 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
25 . ( RE . 2 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
26 . ( 21 . 3 ) Glad It's All Over / Damned On 45 - Captain Sensible
27 . ( 14 . 16 ) Thriller - Michael Jackson
28 . ( 28 . 3 ) Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Kahn
29 . ( 35 . 3 ) Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin) - Scritti Politti
30 . ( - . 1 ) When You Say You Love Somebody - Kool & The Gang
31 . ( 47 . 7 ) Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
32 . ( 10 . 20 ) 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
33 . ( 12 . 5 ) Joanna / Tonight - Kool & The Gang
34 . ( 38 . 2 ) The Caterpillar - The Cure
35 . ( 23 . 2 ) On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
36 . ( 46 . 2 ) Just Be Good To Me - The S.O.S. Band
37 . ( 31 . 3 ) Cherry Oh Baby - UB40
38 . ( - . 1 ) Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
39 . ( - . 1 ) Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
40 . ( 49 . 2 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
41 . ( 33 . 7 ) Reggae Night - Jimmy Cliff
42 . ( 40 . 2 ) Someday - The Gap Band (feat. Stevie Wonder)
43 . ( 29 . 3 ) Lucky Star - Madonna
44 . ( RE . 4 ) Holiday - Madonna
45 . ( 36 . 3 ) Envole-Moi - Jean Jacques Goldman
46 . ( 24 . 5 ) It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls
47 . ( 45 . 2 ) That's The Way (I Like It) - Dead Or Alive
48 . ( 39 . 18 ) Come Back & Stay - Paul Young
49 . ( 41 . 21 ) All Night Long (All Night) - Lionel Richie
50 . ( 27 . 5 ) What Do I Do? - Phil Fearon & Galaxy

51 . Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
52 . Baby You're Dynamite - Cliff Richard
53 . I'm Falling - The Bluebells
54 . Hypnotic Tango - My Mine
55 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
56 . Your Love Is King - Sade
57 . Happy Children - P. Lion
58 . Silver - Echo & The Bunnymen
59 . Heaven - The Psychedelic Furs
60 . I Scare Myself - Thomas Dolby
61 . One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
62 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
63 . When You're Young & In Love - The Flying Pickets
64 . Let The Music Play - Shannon
65 . Black & White - Patto
66 . What Is Love? - Howard Jones
67 . Automatic - Pointer Sisters
68 . Abschied Ist Ein Scharfes Schwert - Roger Whittaker
69 . The Music Of Torvill & Dean (EP) - Richard Hartley / Michael Reed Orchestra
70 . Eat It - Weird Al. Yankovic
71 . Run Runaway - Slade
72 . Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
73 . La Rockeuse De Diamant - Catherine Lara
74 . You're The One For Me / Daybreak - Paul Hardcastle
75 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
76 . She's Strange - Cameo
77 . Hello Again - Howard Carpendale
78 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
79 . Hand In Glove - Sandie Shaw
80 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
81 . Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne
82 . Doctor! Doctor! - Thompson Twins
83 . Only You - The Flying Pickets
84 . Yah Mo B There - James Ingram & Michael McDonald
85 . Sneaking Out The Backdoor - Matt Bianco
86 . Superstar - Lydia Murdock
87 . Love Games - Belle & The Devotions
88 . My Oh My - Slade
89 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
90 . Rette Mich - Nena
91 . Atemlos - Nino De Angelo
92 . The Greatness & Perfection Of Love - Julian Cope
93 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
94 . Vive Le Douanier Rousseau - La Compagnie Creole
95 . The Politics Of Dancing - Re-Flex
96 . Up On The Catwalk - Simple Minds
97 . Pfuati Gott Elisabeth - Spider Murphy Gang
98 . Miss Paramount - Indochine
99 . Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
100 . Serenata - Toto Cutugno

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Private Number - Spencer Davis & Dusty Springfield
Right Or Wrong - The Spinners
When You Say You Love Somebody - Kool & The Gang

:arrow: Sure Hits:

5:01 AM - Roger Waters

:arrow: Sleeper of the Week:

Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne

:arrow: Newcomers:

AC/DC - Jeffrey Daniel
Geh Nicht In Die Stadt - Juliane Werding

:arrow: Turntable Tips:

Runaway - Bon Jovi
No More Words - Berlin
Authority Song - John Cougar Mellencamp


:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . You Take Me Up - Thompson Twins
3 . A Love Worth Waiting For - Shakin' Stevens

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . People Are People - Depeche Mode
3 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)


1 . Envole-Moi - Jean Jacques Goldman
2 . Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
3 . On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne


1 . Love Of The Common People - Paul Young
2 . Ci Sara - Al. Bano & Romina Power
3 . Terra Promessa - Eros Ramazzotti


1 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
2 . Happy Children - P. Lion
3 . Acuarela - Toquinho


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Ik Voel Me Zo Verdomd Alleen - Danny De Munk
3 . Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar


1 . Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
2 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
3 . Break My Stride - Matthew Wilder


1 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
2 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
3 . Street Dance - Break Machine


1 . Buster - Nanna
2 . Crime Of Passion - Mike Oldfield (feat. Barry Palmer)
3 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen


1 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
2 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
3 . Street Dance - Break Machine


1 . Say, Say, Say - Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . People Are People - Depeche Mode


1 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Hello Again - Howard Carpendale


1 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Guardian Angel - Masquerade


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt
3 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company


1 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
2 . Pipes Of Peace - Paul McCartney
3 . Reggae Night - Jimmy Cliff

:arrow: Cyndi Lauper:


:arrow: Thomas Dolby:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 10, 2017 8:21 am
autor: gregpol
30.04.1984 (17/84):

1 . ( 2 . 12 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 1 . 7 ) Street Dance - Break Machine
3 . ( 3 . 6 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
4 . ( 4 . 4 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
5 . ( 5 . 7 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
6 . ( 6 . 10 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
7 . ( 9 . 4 ) A Love Worth Waiting For - Shakin' Stevens
8 . ( 7 . 4 ) It's A Miracle - Culture Club
9 . ( 10 . 4 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
10 . ( 12 . 4 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
11 . ( 8 . 6 ) Jump - Van Halen
12 . ( 15 . 3 ) Give Me Tonight - Shannon
13 . ( 16 . 4 ) Free Nelson Mandela - Special A.K.A.
14 . ( 24 . 3 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
15 . ( 17 . 6 ) Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
16 . ( 19 . 4 ) You Take Me Up - Thompson Twins
17 . ( 14 . 2 ) Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
18 . ( 22 . 10 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
19 . ( - . 1 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
20 . ( 21 . 7 ) Here Comes The Rain Again - Eurythmics
21 . ( 25 . 3 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
22 . ( 30 . 2 ) When You Say You Love Somebody - Kool & The Gang
23 . ( 18 . 6 ) Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
24 . ( 26 . 4 ) Glad It's All Over / Damned On 45 - Captain Sensible
25 . ( RE . 4 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
26 . ( 40 . 3 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
27 . ( 23 . 11 ) Break My Stride - Matthew Wilder
28 . ( 31 . 8 ) Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
29 . ( 27 . 17 ) Thriller - Michael Jackson
30 . ( 38 . 2 ) Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
31 . ( 28 . 4 ) Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Kahn
32 . ( - . 1 ) When You're Young & In Love - The Flying Pickets
33 . ( 29 . 4 ) Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin) - Scritti Politti
34 . ( 39 . 2 ) Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
35 . ( 35 . 3 ) On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
36 . ( 36 . 3 ) Just Be Good To Me - The S.O.S. Band
37 . ( - . 1 ) I'm Falling - The Bluebells
38 . ( - . 1 ) Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
39 . ( 13 . 6 ) To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
40 . ( 34 . 3 ) The Caterpillar - The Cure
41 . ( 45 . 4 ) Envole-Moi - Jean Jacques Goldman
42 . ( 41 . 8 ) Reggae Night - Jimmy Cliff
43 . ( 11 . 4 ) P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson
44 . ( - . 1 ) One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
45 . ( 44 . 5 ) Holiday - Madonna
46 . ( 20 . 14 ) Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
47 . ( - . 1 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
48 . ( - . 1 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
49 . ( - . 1 ) Thieves Like Us - New Order
50 . ( 42 . 3 ) Someday - The Gap Band (feat. Stevie Wonder)

51 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
52 . That's The Way (I Like It) - Dead Or Alive
53 . All Night Long (All Night) - Lionel Richie
54 . It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls
55 . Silver - Echo & The Bunnymen
56 . Love Games - Belle & The Devotions
57 . Cherry Oh Baby - UB40
58 . Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
59 . Happy Children - P. Lion
60 . Come Back & Stay - Paul Young
61 . Let The Music Play - Shannon
62 . Superstar - Lydia Murdock
63 . Lucky Star - Madonna
64 . Hypnotic Tango - My Mine
65 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
66 . Hand In Glove - Sandie Shaw
67 . What Do I Do? - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
68 . Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops - Cocteau Twins
69 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
70 . Black & White - Patto
71 . La Rockeuse De Diamant - Catherine Lara
72 . Eat It - Weird Al. Yankovic
73 . Abschied Ist Ein Scharfes Schwert - Roger Whittaker
74 . Happy Ending - Joe Jackson & Elaine Caswell
75 . I Scare Myself - Thomas Dolby
76 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
77 . Baby You're Dynamite - Cliff Richard
78 . Your Love Is King - Sade
79 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
80 . Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne
81 . Hello Again - Howard Carpendale
82 . The Longest Time - Billy Joel
83 . Serenata - Toto Cutugno
84 . Sneaking Out The Backdoor - Matt Bianco
85 . Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
86 . Rette Mich - Nena
87 . Only You - The Flying Pickets
88 . What Is Love? - Howard Jones
89 . Doctor! Doctor! - Thompson Twins
90 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
91 . Heaven - The Psychedelic Furs
92 . Hide & Seek - Howard Jones
93 . The Music Of Torvill & Dean (EP) - Richard Hartley / Michael Reed Orchestra
94 . Atemlos - Nino De Angelo
95 . White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
96 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
97 . Playa Blanca - Audrey Landers
98 . Vive Le Douanier Rousseau - La Compagnie Creole
99 . My Oh My - Slade
100 . Miss Paramount - Indochine

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Self Control - Laura Branigan
Believin' It All - Steve Levine
You Don't Love Me - Marilyn

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams

:arrow: Newcomers:

Demasiado Corazon - Mink DeVille
Reach Out - Time Bandits

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . People Are People - Depeche Mode
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw


1 . Envole-Moi - Jean Jacques Goldman
2 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
3 . Come Back & Stay - Paul Young


1 . Love Of The Common People - Paul Young
2 . Terra Promessa - Eros Ramazzotti
3 . Stay - Bonnie Bianco & Pierre Cosso


1 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
2 . Happy Children - P. Lion
3 . Que Me Pasa - Vicio Latino


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Ik Voel Me Zo Verdomd Alleen - Danny De Munk
3 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
3 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)


1 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
2 . Street Dance - Break Machine
3 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks


1 . Buster - Nanna
2 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
3 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen


1 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
2 . Street Dance - Break Machine
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Say, Say, Say - Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . Hello - Lionel Richie
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
3 . Hello Again - Howard Carpendale


1 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Guardian Angel - Masquerade


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt
3 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company


1 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
2 . Pipes Of Peace - Paul McCartney
3 . Reggae Night - Jimmy Cliff

:arrow: Roberto Jacketti & The Scooters:


:arrow: Bananarama / Blancmange:


:arrow: Eurovision 1984:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 10, 2017 8:22 am
autor: gregpol
07.05.1984 (18/84):

1 . ( 1 . 13 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 3 . 7 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
3 . ( 2 . 8 ) Street Dance - Break Machine
4 . ( 4 . 5 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
5 . ( 5 . 8 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
6 . ( 14 . 4 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
7 . ( 6 . 11 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
8 . ( 10 . 5 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
9 . ( 9 . 5 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
10 . ( 7 . 5 ) A Love Worth Waiting For - Shakin' Stevens
11 . ( 21 . 4 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
12 . ( 15 . 7 ) Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
13 . ( 8 . 5 ) It's A Miracle - Culture Club
14 . ( 26 . 4 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
15 . ( 18 . 11 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
16 . ( 12 . 4 ) Give Me Tonight - Shannon
17 . ( 47 . 2 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
18 . ( 43 . 5 ) P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson
19 . ( 13 . 5 ) Free Nelson Mandela - Special A.K.A.
20 . ( 39 . 7 ) To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
21 . ( RE . 5 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
22 . ( 17 . 3 ) Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
23 . ( 25 . 5 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
24 . ( 11 . 7 ) Jump - Van Halen
25 . ( 19 . 2 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
26 . ( - . 1 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
27 . ( 32 . 2 ) When You're Young & In Love - The Flying Pickets
28 . ( 30 . 3 ) Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
29 . ( 48 . 2 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
30 . ( 27 . 12 ) Break My Stride - Matthew Wilder
31 . ( 20 . 8 ) Here Comes The Rain Again - Eurythmics
32 . ( 44 . 2 ) One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
33 . ( 16 . 5 ) You Take Me Up - Thompson Twins
34 . ( 22 . 3 ) When You Say You Love Somebody - Kool & The Gang
35 . ( 31 . 5 ) Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Kahn
36 . ( 37 . 2 ) I'm Falling - The Bluebells
37 . ( 38 . 2 ) Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
38 . ( 35 . 4 ) On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
39 . ( 28 . 9 ) Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
40 . ( 24 . 5 ) Glad It's All Over / Damned On 45 - Captain Sensible
41 . ( RE . 6 ) It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls
42 . ( 36 . 4 ) Just Be Good To Me - The S.O.S. Band
43 . ( 49 . 2 ) Thieves Like Us - New Order
44 . ( - . 1 ) The Lebanon - Human League
45 . ( 41 . 5 ) Envole-Moi - Jean Jacques Goldman
46 . ( 42 . 9 ) Reggae Night - Jimmy Cliff
47 . ( 33 . 5 ) Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin) - Scritti Politti
48 . ( - . 1 ) Love Games - Belle & The Devotions
49 . ( RE . 21 ) 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
50 . ( 45 . 6 ) Holiday - Madonna

51 . Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
52 . Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
53 . The Caterpillar - The Cure
54 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
55 . Hand In Glove - Sandie Shaw
56 . Silver - Echo & The Bunnymen
57 . Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops - Cocteau Twins
58 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
59 . Happy Ending - Joe Jackson & Elaine Caswell
60 . The Longest Time - Billy Joel
61 . Superstar - Lydia Murdock
62 . Someday - The Gap Band (feat. Stevie Wonder)
63 . Come Back & Stay - Paul Young
64 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
65 . That's The Way (I Like It) - Dead Or Alive
66 . Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne
67 . Eat It - Weird Al. Yankovic
68 . Lucky Star - Madonna
69 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
70 . La Rockeuse De Diamant - Catherine Lara
71 . Let The Music Play - Shannon
72 . Black & White - Patto
73 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
74 . Abschied Ist Ein Scharfes Schwert - Roger Whittaker
75 . Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
76 . Hello Again - Howard Carpendale
77 . Victims Of Circumstance - Barclay James Harvest
78 . Sneaking Out The Backdoor - Matt Bianco
79 . Love Me Tender - Roland Rat Superstar
80 . Rette Mich - Nena
81 . I'll Be Around - Terri Wells
82 . Hypnotic Tango - My Mine
83 . Peace In Our Time - The Imposter
84 . Serenata - Toto Cutugno
85 . Hide & Seek - Howard Jones
86 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
87 . Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
88 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
89 . Love Wars - Womack & Womack
90 . Original Sin - INXS
91 . Doctor! Doctor! - Thompson Twins
92 . What Do I Do? - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
93 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
94 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
95 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
96 . Vive Le Douanier Rousseau - La Compagnie Creole
97 . Atemlos - Nino De Angelo
98 . You Don't Love Me - Marilyn
99 . Emergency (Dial 999) - Loose Ends
100 . Love Over Gold - Dire Straits

:arrow: Records of the Week:

The Lebanon - Human League
Thieves Like Us - New Order

:arrow: Sure Hits:

The Reflex - Duran Duran

:arrow: Sleeper of the Week:

Just Be Good To Me - The S.O.S. Band

:arrow: Newcomers:

Peace In Our Time - The Imposter
What Do I Do? - Phil Fearon & Galaxy

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . People Are People - Depeche Mode
2 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
3 . Big In Japan - Alphaville


1 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
2 . On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
3 . Come Back & Stay - Paul Young


1 . Love Of The Common People - Paul Young
2 . Just For Tonight (On Va S'aimer) - Gilbert Montagne
3 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung


1 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
2 . Happy Children - P. Lion
3 . Que Me Pasa - Vicio Latino


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Ik Voel Me Zo Verdomd Alleen - Danny De Munk
3 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
3 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung


1 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
2 . Street Dance - Break Machine
3 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks


1 . Buster - Nanna
2 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
3 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen


1 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
2 . Street Dance - Break Machine
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Say, Say, Say - Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . The Reflex - Duran Duran


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
3 . Hello Again - Howard Carpendale


1 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt
3 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company


1 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
2 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
3 . Pipes Of Peace - Paul McCartney

Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 10, 2017 8:24 am
autor: gregpol
:arrow: The Scandinavian Charts Top 20:

1 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen (Sw.D.N.Fi.)
2 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood (Sw.D.N.Fi.)
3 . My Oh My - Slade (Sw.D.N.Fi.)
4 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper (Sw.D.N.)
5 . Street Dance - Break Machine (Sw.D.N.)
6 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks (Sw.D.N.)
7 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler (Sw.D.N.)
8 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson) (Sw.D.)
9 . Break My Stride - Matthew Wilder (Sw.D.)
10 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins (Sw.D.)
11 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena (Sw.N.)
12 . Only You - The Flying Pickets (Sw.Fi.)
13 . Run Runaway - Slade (Sw.N.)
14 . Crime Of Passion - Mike Oldfield (feat. Barry Palmer) (D.Fi.)
15 . Tommy Loves Me - Carola (Sw.)
16 . Jump - Van Halen (Sw.)
17 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory (Sw.)
18 . Sa In Norden - Carola (Sw.)
19 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung (Sw.)
20 . Buster - Nanna (D.)

Sw - Sweden, D - Denmark, N - Norway, Fi - Finland

:arrow: Dolly Dots:


:arrow: The Nylons:


:arrow: Disco-Top klubu Hybrydy:


:arrow: Radio Luxembourg:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 17, 2017 9:46 am
autor: gregpol
14.05.1984 (19/84):

1 . ( 1 . 14 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 2 . 8 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
3 . ( 5 . 9 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
4 . ( 6 . 5 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
5 . ( 11 . 5 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
6 . ( 4 . 6 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
7 . ( 14 . 5 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
8 . ( 3 . 9 ) Street Dance - Break Machine
9 . ( 7 . 12 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
10 . ( 8 . 6 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
11 . ( 9 . 6 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
12 . ( 17 . 3 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
13 . ( 24 . 8 ) Jump - Van Halen
14 . ( 33 . 6 ) You Take Me Up - Thompson Twins
15 . ( 10 . 6 ) A Love Worth Waiting For - Shakin' Stevens
16 . ( 20 . 8 ) To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
17 . ( 23 . 6 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
18 . ( 21 . 6 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
19 . ( 18 . 6 ) P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson
20 . ( 16 . 5 ) Give Me Tonight - Shannon
21 . ( 12 . 8 ) Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
22 . ( 25 . 3 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
23 . ( 26 . 2 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
24 . ( 29 . 3 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
25 . ( 19 . 6 ) Free Nelson Mandela - Special A.K.A.
26 . ( 15 . 12 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
27 . ( 32 . 3 ) One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
28 . ( 27 . 3 ) When You're Young & In Love - The Flying Pickets
29 . ( 28 . 4 ) Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
30 . ( 31 . 9 ) Here Comes The Rain Again - Eurythmics
31 . ( 44 . 2 ) The Lebanon - Human League
32 . ( 48 . 2 ) Love Games - Belle & The Devotions
33 . ( 37 . 3 ) Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
34 . ( 36 . 3 ) I'm Falling - The Bluebells
35 . ( 30 . 13 ) Break My Stride - Matthew Wilder
36 . ( 34 . 4 ) When You Say You Love Somebody - Kool & The Gang
37 . ( - . 1 ) Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
38 . ( - . 1 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
39 . ( 22 . 4 ) Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
40 . ( 43 . 3 ) Thieves Like Us - New Order
41 . ( 35 . 6 ) Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Kahn
42 . ( 42 . 5 ) Just Be Good To Me - The S.O.S. Band
43 . ( 49 . 22 ) 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
44 . ( 46 . 10 ) Reggae Night - Jimmy Cliff
45 . ( 45 . 6 ) Envole-Moi - Jean Jacques Goldman
46 . ( 39 . 10 ) Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
47 . ( 13 . 6 ) It's A Miracle - Culture Club
48 . ( - . 1 ) The Longest Time - Billy Joel
49 . ( - . 1 ) Assassing - Marillion
50 . ( - . 1 ) Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne

51 . Holiday - Madonna
52 . Happy Ending - Joe Jackson & Elaine Caswell
53 . On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
54 . Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
55 . I'll Be Around - Terri Wells
56 . Hand In Glove - Sandie Shaw
57 . Glad It's All Over / Damned On 45 - Captain Sensible
58 . Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops - Cocteau Twins
59 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
60 . Break Dance Party - Break Machine
61 . It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls
62 . Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin) - Scritti Politti
63 . Come Back & Stay - Paul Young
64 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
65 . Love Wars - Womack & Womack
66 . The Caterpillar - The Cure
67 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
68 . Love Me Tender - Roland Rat Superstar
69 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
70 . La Rockeuse De Diamant - Catherine Lara
71 . Let The Music Play - Shannon
72 . Silver - Echo & The Bunnymen
73 . Abschied Ist Ein Scharfes Schwert - Roger Whittaker
74 . Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
75 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
76 . Black & White - Patto
77 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
78 . Hello Again - Howard Carpendale
79 . I Feel Like Buddy Holly - Alvin Stardust
80 . Major Tom (Coming Home) - Peter Schilling
81 . Superstar - Lydia Murdock
82 . The Kid's American - Matthew Wilder
83 . You Don't Love Me - Marilyn
84 . Victims Of Circumstance - Barclay James Harvest
85 . Someday - The Gap Band (feat. Stevie Wonder)
86 . Sneaking Out The Backdoor - Matt Bianco
87 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
88 . Eat It - Weird Al. Yankovic
89 . Playa Blanca - Audrey Landers
90 . Each & Every One - Everything But The Girl
91 . Serenata - Toto Cutugno
92 . Emergency (Dial 999) - Loose Ends
93 . Original Sin - INXS
94 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
95 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
96 . White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
97 . Ich Will Nicht Wissen Wie Du Heisst - Andy Borg
98 . Rette Mich - Nena
99 . Hide & Seek - Howard Jones
100 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Taking The Town - Icehouse
Uprock - Rock Steady Crew

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Sweetest Sweetest - Jermaine Jackson

:arrow: Newcomers:

The Smile & The Kiss - The Chant Of Barry Flynn
Each & Every One - Everything But The Girl

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . People Are People - Depeche Mode
2 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
3 . Hello - Lionel Richie


1 . On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
2 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
3 . Jump - Van Halen


1 . Love Of The Common People - Paul Young
2 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
3 . Jump - Van Halen


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
3 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)


1 . Ik Voel Me Zo Verdomd Alleen - Danny De Munk
2 . Hello - Lionel Richie
3 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
3 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung


1 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
2 . Street Dance - Break Machine
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Buster - Nanna
2 . Det Lige Det - Kirsten & Soren
3 . Guardian Angel - Masquerade


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Say, Say, Say - Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
3 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)


1 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
3 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt


1 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Pipes Of Peace - Paul McCartney

:arrow: Double Feature:


:arrow: Scorpions:


:arrow: Culture Club:


:arrow: Michael Jackson:


:arrow: Radio Luxembourg:


:arrow: Longplaye Top 10:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 17, 2017 9:47 am
autor: gregpol
21.05.1984 (20/84):

1 . ( 1 . 15 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 11 . 7 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . ( 2 . 9 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
4 . ( 3 . 10 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
5 . ( 4 . 6 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
6 . ( 5 . 6 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
7 . ( 7 . 6 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
8 . ( 12 . 4 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
9 . ( 6 . 7 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
10 . ( 13 . 9 ) Jump - Van Halen
11 . ( 8 . 10 ) Street Dance - Break Machine
12 . ( 10 . 7 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
13 . ( 9 . 13 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
14 . ( 18 . 7 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
15 . ( 23 . 3 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
16 . ( 24 . 4 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
17 . ( 19 . 7 ) P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson
18 . ( 27 . 4 ) One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
19 . ( 15 . 7 ) A Love Worth Waiting For - Shakin' Stevens
20 . ( 14 . 7 ) You Take Me Up - Thompson Twins
21 . ( 16 . 9 ) To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
22 . ( 22 . 4 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
23 . ( 26 . 13 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
24 . ( 17 . 7 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
25 . ( 38 . 2 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
26 . ( 29 . 5 ) Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
27 . ( 28 . 4 ) When You're Young & In Love - The Flying Pickets
28 . ( 20 . 6 ) Give Me Tonight - Shannon
29 . ( 32 . 3 ) Love Games - Belle & The Devotions
30 . ( 31 . 3 ) The Lebanon - Human League
31 . ( 33 . 4 ) Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
32 . ( 37 . 2 ) Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
33 . ( 43 . 23 ) 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
34 . ( - . 1 ) Break Dance Party - Break Machine
35 . ( - . 1 ) I'll Be Around - Terri Wells
36 . ( 50 . 2 ) Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne
37 . ( - . 1 ) High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
38 . ( 34 . 4 ) I'm Falling - The Bluebells
39 . ( 42 . 6 ) Just Be Good To Me - The S.O.S. Band
40 . ( 47 . 7 ) It's A Miracle - Culture Club
41 . ( 49 . 2 ) Assassing - Marillion
42 . ( - . 1 ) Love Wars - Womack & Womack
43 . ( 36 . 5 ) When You Say You Love Somebody - Kool & The Gang
44 . ( 48 . 2 ) The Longest Time - Billy Joel
45 . ( - . 1 ) Cargo - Axel Bauer
46 . ( 25 . 7 ) Free Nelson Mandela - Special A.K.A.
47 . ( 21 . 9 ) Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
48 . ( - . 1 ) Uprock - Rock Steady Crew
49 . ( 41 . 7 ) Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Kahn
50 . ( - . 1 ) Playa Blanca - Audrey Landers

51 . Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
52 . Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
53 . Original Sin - INXS
54 . Here Comes The Rain Again - Eurythmics
55 . Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
56 . Going Down Town Tonight - Status Quo
57 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
58 . I Feel Like Buddy Holly - Alvin Stardust
59 . Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
60 . Love Me Tender - Roland Rat Superstar
61 . Each & Every One - Everything But The Girl
62 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
63 . On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
64 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
65 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
66 . Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops - Cocteau Twins
67 . Thieves Like Us - New Order
68 . Holiday - Madonna
69 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
70 . Glad It's All Over / Damned On 45 - Captain Sensible
71 . Come Back & Stay - Paul Young
72 . The Kid's American - Matthew Wilder
73 . Debranche! - France Gall
74 . You Don't Love Me - Marilyn
75 . Envole-Moi - Jean Jacques Goldman
76 . Hand In Glove - Sandie Shaw
77 . Happy Ending - Joe Jackson & Elaine Caswell
78 . Let The Music Play - Shannon
79 . Victims Of Circumstance - Barclay James Harvest
80 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
81 . Emergency (Dial 999) - Loose Ends
82 . Major Tom (Coming Home) - Peter Schilling
83 . Abschied Ist Ein Scharfes Schwert - Roger Whittaker
84 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
85 . Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar
86 . Robin (The Hooded Man) - Clannad
87 . Sneaking Out The Backdoor - Matt Bianco
88 . Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
89 . Black & White - Patto
90 . Love Lies Lost - Helen Terry
91 . Hello Again - Howard Carpendale
92 . Hide & Seek - Howard Jones
93 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
94 . Turn Your Back On Me - Kajagoogoo
95 . White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
96 . Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin) - Scritti Politti
97 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco
98 . What Presence?! - Orange Juice
99 . Only You - The Flying Pickets
100 . Ich Will Nicht Wissen Wie Du Heisst - Andy Borg

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
Stay The Night - Chicago

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
Romancing The Stone - Eddy Grant

:arrow: Newcomers:

A Fine Fine Day - Tony Carey
The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight - Dominatrix

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Automatic - Pointer Sisters
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
2 . People Are People - Depeche Mode
3 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
3 . Original Sin - INXS


1 . Love Of The Common People - Paul Young
2 . Just For Tonight (On Va S'aimer) - Gilbert Montagne
3 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung


1 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
2 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . Thriller - Michael Jackson


1 . Ik Voel Me Zo Verdomd Alleen - Danny De Munk
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . Hello - Lionel Richie


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
2 . Street Dance - Break Machine
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Buster - Nanna
2 . Guardian Angel - Masquerade
3 . Det Lige Det - Kirsten & Soren


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Automatic - Pointer Sisters
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Hello - Lionel Richie
3 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw


1 . Einfach Weg - Anita
2 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
3 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
3 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt


1 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Pipes Of Peace - Paul McCartney

:arrow: Joe Cocker:


:arrow: INXS:


:arrow: Shakin' Stevens:


:arrow: Ultravox:


:arrow: Human League:


:arrow: Holandia Top 10:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 24, 2017 3:20 pm
autor: gregpol
28.05.1984 (21/84):

1 . ( 1 . 16 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 2 . 8 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . ( 4 . 11 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
4 . ( 3 . 10 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
5 . ( 5 . 7 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
6 . ( 6 . 7 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
7 . ( 7 . 7 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
8 . ( 8 . 5 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
9 . ( 22 . 5 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
10 . ( 10 . 10 ) Jump - Van Halen
11 . ( 12 . 8 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
12 . ( 14 . 8 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
13 . ( 13 . 14 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
14 . ( 9 . 8 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
15 . ( 11 . 11 ) Street Dance - Break Machine
16 . ( 15 . 4 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
17 . ( - . 1 ) Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
18 . ( 21 . 10 ) To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
19 . ( 16 . 5 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
20 . ( 18 . 5 ) One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
21 . ( 24 . 8 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
22 . ( 23 . 14 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
23 . ( 33 . 24 ) 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
24 . ( 37 . 2 ) High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
25 . ( 25 . 3 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
26 . ( 20 . 8 ) You Take Me Up - Thompson Twins
27 . ( 19 . 8 ) A Love Worth Waiting For - Shakin' Stevens
28 . ( - . 1 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
29 . ( - . 1 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
30 . ( 17 . 8 ) P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson
31 . ( 29 . 4 ) Love Games - Belle & The Devotions
32 . ( 30 . 4 ) The Lebanon - Human League
33 . ( 34 . 2 ) Break Dance Party - Break Machine
34 . ( - . 1 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
35 . ( - . 1 ) You're The Best Thing - The Style Council
36 . ( 42 . 2 ) Love Wars - Womack & Womack
37 . ( - . 1 ) Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
38 . ( 26 . 6 ) Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
39 . ( 45 . 2 ) Cargo - Axel Bauer
40 . ( - . 1 ) I Feel Like Buddy Holly - Alvin Stardust
41 . ( 27 . 5 ) When You're Young & In Love - The Flying Pickets
42 . ( 35 . 2 ) I'll Be Around - Terri Wells
43 . ( 32 . 3 ) Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
44 . ( 47 . 10 ) Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
45 . ( 36 . 3 ) Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne
46 . ( - . 1 ) Original Sin - INXS
47 . ( - . 1 ) Going Down Town Tonight - Status Quo
48 . ( - . 1 ) Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
49 . ( RE . 5 ) On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
50 . ( - . 1 ) Pearl In The Shell - Howard Jones

51 . Come Back & Stay - Paul Young
52 . Playa Blanca - Audrey Landers
53 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
54 . Each & Every One - Everything But The Girl
55 . Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
56 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
57 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
58 . Victims Of Circumstance - Barclay James Harvest
59 . The Kid's American - Matthew Wilder
60 . Colour My Love - Fun Fun
61 . Uprock - Rock Steady Crew
62 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
63 . Just Be Good To Me - The S.O.S. Band
64 . Assassing - Marillion
65 . Bye Bye - Billy
66 . I'm Falling - The Bluebells
67 . Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
68 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
69 . The Longest Time - Billy Joel
70 . Love Me Tender - Roland Rat Superstar
71 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
72 . When You Say You Love Somebody - Kool & The Gang
73 . Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
74 . Love Lies Lost - Helen Terry
75 . Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Kahn
76 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
77 . Abschied Ist Ein Scharfes Schwert - Roger Whittaker
78 . Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
79 . Black & White - Patto
80 . You Don't Love Me - Marilyn
81 . Robin (The Hooded Man) - Clannad
82 . Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
83 . Holiday - Madonna
84 . Hello Again - Howard Carpendale
85 . When Am I Going To Make A Living - Sade
86 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco
87 . Infatuation - Rod Stewart
88 . Debranche! - France Gall
89 . Serenata - Toto Cutugno
90 . La Rockeuse De Diamant - Catherine Lara
91 . What Presence?! - Orange Juice
92 . Vive Le Douanier Rousseau - La Compagnie Creole
93 . Self Control - Raf
94 . Emergency (Dial 999) - Loose Ends
95 . Piou-Piou, Petit Poussin - Chantal Goya
96 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
97 . Drag Me Down - The Boomtown Rats
98 . Give Me Tonight - Shannon
99 . Speed Your Love To Me - Simple Minds
100 . White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Thin Line Between Love & Hate - Pretenders
Infatuation - Rod Stewart

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John

:arrow: Newcomers:

Small Town Creed - The Kane Gang
Assassing - Marillion

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Automatic - Pointer Sisters
3 . Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
2 . People Are People - Depeche Mode
3 . Hello - Lionel Richie


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Vive Le Douanier Rousseau - La Compagnie Creole
3 . Original Sin - INXS


1 . Love Of The Common People - Paul Young
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung


1 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
2 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . Thriller - Michael Jackson


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Ik Voel Me Zo Verdomd Alleen - Danny De Munk
3 . Big In Japan - Alphaville


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
3 . Big In Japan - Alphaville


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
3 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena


1 . Guardian Angel - Masquerade
2 . Buster - Nanna
3 . Street Dance - Break Machine


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
3 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt


1 . Automatic - Pointer Sisters
2 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
3 . Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw


1 . Einfach Weg - Anita
2 . Zu Nah Am Feuer - Stefan Waggershausen & Alice
3 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
3 . I Miss You (Lost In Pain) - Big Alice


1 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson

:arrow: Exposure:


:arrow: Annabel Lamb:


:arrow: Madonna:


:arrow: Thompson Twins:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob cze 24, 2017 3:21 pm
autor: gregpol
04.06.1984 (22/84):


1 . ( 2 . 9 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . ( 1 . 17 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . ( 4 . 11 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
4 . ( 8 . 6 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
5 . ( 6 . 8 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
6 . ( 3 . 12 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
7 . ( 5 . 8 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
8 . ( 7 . 8 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
9 . ( 9 . 6 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
10 . ( 17 . 2 ) Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
11 . ( 10 . 11 ) Jump - Van Halen
12 . ( 11 . 9 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
13 . ( 12 . 9 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
14 . ( 13 . 15 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
15 . ( 16 . 5 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
16 . ( 14 . 9 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
17 . ( 19 . 6 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
18 . ( 21 . 9 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
19 . ( 22 . 15 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
20 . ( 15 . 12 ) Street Dance - Break Machine
21 . ( 20 . 6 ) One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
22 . ( 24 . 3 ) High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
23 . ( 18 . 11 ) To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
24 . ( 28 . 2 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
25 . ( 25 . 4 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
26 . ( 23 . 25 ) 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
27 . ( 35 . 2 ) You're The Best Thing - The Style Council
28 . ( 34 . 2 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
29 . ( 40 . 2 ) I Feel Like Buddy Holly - Alvin Stardust
30 . ( 37 . 2 ) Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
31 . ( - . 1 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
32 . ( 33 . 3 ) Break Dance Party - Break Machine
33 . ( 29 . 2 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
34 . ( 50 . 2 ) Pearl In The Shell - Howard Jones
35 . ( 49 . 6 ) On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
36 . ( 38 . 7 ) Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
37 . ( 36 . 3 ) Love Wars - Womack & Womack
38 . ( 30 . 9 ) P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson
39 . ( 47 . 2 ) Going Down Town Tonight - Status Quo
40 . ( - . 1 ) Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - The Smiths
41 . ( RE . 2 ) Playa Blanca - Audrey Landers
42 . ( 46 . 2 ) Original Sin - INXS
43 . ( - . 1 ) Red Guitar - David Sylvian
44 . ( - . 1 ) Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
45 . ( - . 1 ) Too Much Trouble - Limahl
46 . ( - . 1 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
47 . ( 32 . 5 ) The Lebanon - Human League
48 . ( 42 . 3 ) I'll Be Around - Terri Wells
49 . ( 44 . 11 ) Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
50 . ( - . 1 ) Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge

51 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
52 . Self Control - Raf
53 . Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne
54 . Colour My Love - Fun Fun
55 . Debranche! - France Gall
56 . Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
57 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
58 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
59 . So Tired - Ozzy Osbourne
60 . Love Games - Belle & The Devotions
61 . Bye Bye - Billy
62 . One Better Day - Madness
63 . Each & Every One - Everything But The Girl
64 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
65 . Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
66 . When You're Young & In Love - The Flying Pickets
67 . Victims Of Circumstance - Barclay James Harvest
68 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
69 . Just Be Good To Me - The S.O.S. Band
70 . Love Lies Lost - Helen Terry
71 . Serenata - Toto Cutugno
72 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
73 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
74 . The Kid's American - Matthew Wilder
75 . Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
76 . Dazzle - Siouxsie & The Banshees
77 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
78 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
79 . Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
80 . When Am I Going To Make A Living - Sade
81 . Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
82 . Infatuation - Rod Stewart
83 . Assassing - Marillion
84 . Black & White - Patto
85 . Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Kahn
86 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
87 . Civilized Man - Joe Cocker
88 . Rough Justice - Bananarama
89 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
90 . Abschied Ist Ein Scharfes Schwert - Roger Whittaker
91 . Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
92 . Uprock - Rock Steady Crew
93 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco
94 . The Longest Time - Billy Joel
95 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
96 . Vive Le Douanier Rousseau - La Compagnie Creole
97 . Piou-Piou, Petit Poussin - Chantal Goya
98 . The Wind Beneath My Wings - Lee Greenwood
99 . Only You - The Flying Pickets
100 . I'm Falling - The Bluebells

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
You're The Best Thing - The Style Council

:arrow: Newcomers:

Love All Day - Nick Heyward
Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
3 . The Reflex - Duran Duran

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
2 . Hello - Lionel Richie
3 . People Are People - Depeche Mode


1 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
2 . Debranche! - France Gall
3 . Cargo - Axel Bauer


1 . Love Of The Common People - Paul Young
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . State Of The Nation - Industry


1 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union
2 . Olvidame Y Pega La Vuelta - Pimpinela
3 . Street Dance - Break Machine


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Ik Voel Me Zo Verdomd Alleen - Danny De Munk


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . People Are People - Depeche Mode
3 . Locomotion - O.M.D.


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Rap Nu / Vejen Dertil - Gunnar Nu Hansen
2 . Guardian Angel - Masquerade
3 . Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
3 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
3 . Automatic - Pointer Sisters


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Junge Roemer - Falco
3 . Big In Japan - Alphaville


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
3 . I Miss You (Lost In Pain) - Big Alice


1 . Thriller - Michael Jackson
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena

:arrow: Byte:


:arrow: Rockwell:


:arrow: Tracey Ullman / Real Life:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 08, 2017 2:50 pm
autor: gregpol
11.06.1984 (23/84):

1 . ( 2 . 18 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 1 . 10 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . ( 9 . 7 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
4 . ( 4 . 7 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
5 . ( 7 . 9 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
6 . ( 5 . 9 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
7 . ( 3 . 12 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
8 . ( 6 . 13 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
9 . ( 8 . 9 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
10 . ( 10 . 3 ) Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
11 . ( 12 . 10 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
12 . ( 11 . 12 ) Jump - Van Halen
13 . ( 13 . 10 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
14 . ( 15 . 6 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
15 . ( 16 . 10 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
16 . ( 14 . 16 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
17 . ( 17 . 7 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
18 . ( 24 . 3 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
19 . ( 25 . 5 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
20 . ( 19 . 16 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
21 . ( 21 . 7 ) One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
22 . ( - . 1 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
23 . ( 36 . 8 ) Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
24 . ( 18 . 10 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
25 . ( 22 . 4 ) High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
26 . ( 20 . 13 ) Street Dance - Break Machine
27 . ( 23 . 12 ) To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
28 . ( 26 . 26 ) 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
29 . ( 28 . 3 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
30 . ( 27 . 3 ) You're The Best Thing - The Style Council
31 . ( 31 . 2 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
32 . ( 30 . 3 ) Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
33 . ( 34 . 3 ) Pearl In The Shell - Howard Jones
34 . ( 29 . 3 ) I Feel Like Buddy Holly - Alvin Stardust
35 . ( 37 . 4 ) Love Wars - Womack & Womack
36 . ( 40 . 2 ) Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - The Smiths
37 . ( 33 . 3 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
38 . ( 46 . 2 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
39 . ( - . 1 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
40 . ( - . 1 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
41 . ( - . 1 ) Self Control - Raf
42 . ( 45 . 2 ) Too Much Trouble - Limahl
43 . ( 35 . 7 ) On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
44 . ( - . 1 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
45 . ( 32 . 4 ) Break Dance Party - Break Machine
46 . ( 47 . 6 ) The Lebanon - Human League
47 . ( 43 . 2 ) Red Guitar - David Sylvian
48 . ( RE . 3 ) Cargo - Axel Bauer
49 . ( - . 1 ) One Better Day - Madness
50 . ( 50 . 2 ) Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge

51 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
52 . Original Sin - INXS
53 . P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson
54 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
55 . So Tired - Ozzy Osbourne
56 . Colour My Love - Fun Fun
57 . Going Down Town Tonight - Status Quo
58 . Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
59 . Debranche! - France Gall
60 . Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
61 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
62 . Infatuation - Rod Stewart
63 . Bye Bye - Billy
64 . Rough Justice - Bananarama
65 . Playa Blanca - Audrey Landers
66 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
67 . Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
68 . Each & Every One - Everything But The Girl
69 . Dazzle - Siouxsie & The Banshees
70 . I'll Be Around - Terri Wells
71 . Serenata - Toto Cutugno
72 . When Am I Going To Make A Living - Sade
73 . Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
74 . Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne
75 . Love All Day - Nick Heyward
76 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
77 . Turn Your Back On Me - Kajagoogoo
78 . Victims Of Circumstance - Barclay James Harvest
79 . Change Of Heart - Change
80 . Abschied Ist Ein Scharfes Schwert - Roger Whittaker
81 . Owner Of A Lonely Heart - Yes
82 . Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
83 . Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler
84 . Love Lies Lost - Helen Terry
85 . Absolute - Scritti Politti
86 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
87 . Black & White - Patto
88 . Just Be Good To Me - The S.O.S. Band
89 . Boys Do Fall In Love - Robin Gibb
90 . Robin (The Hooded Man) - Clannad
91 . (Feels Like) Heaven - Fiction Factory
92 . White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
93 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
94 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco
95 . Uprock - Rock Steady Crew
96 . Piou-Piou, Petit Poussin - Chantal Goya
97 . The Wind Beneath My Wings - Lee Greenwood
98 . Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Kahn
99 . Ich Will Nicht Wissen Wie Du Heisst - Andy Borg
100 . Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood

:arrow: Newcomers:

Red Guitar - David Sylvian
Junge Roemer - Falco
Get Your Feet Out Of My Shoes - Boothill Foot Tappers

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
3 . Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Self Control - Raf


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
3 . Original Sin - INXS


1 . I Treni Di Tozeur - Alice & Franco Battiato
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung


1 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union
2 . Olvidame Y Pega La Vuelta - Pimpinela
3 . Street Dance - Break Machine


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . I Save The Day - Roberto Jacketti & The Scooters


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Locomotion - O.M.D.
3 . Big In Japan - Alphaville


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Rap Nu / Vejen Dertil - Gunnar Nu Hansen
2 . Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
3 . Guardian Angel - Masquerade


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
3 . Automatic - Pointer Sisters


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Es War Nix - Kurt Gober Band (KGB)
3 . Hello - Lionel Richie


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
3 . I Miss You (Lost In Pain) - Big Alice


1 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
2 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
3 . Thriller - Michael Jackson

:arrow: Men Without Hats:


:arrow: Rod Stewart:


:arrow: Cyndi Lauper:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 08, 2017 2:51 pm
autor: gregpol
18.06.1984 (24/84):

1 . ( 1 . 19 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 2 . 11 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . ( 4 . 8 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
4 . ( 7 . 13 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
5 . ( 3 . 8 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
6 . ( 5 . 10 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
7 . ( 8 . 14 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
8 . ( 9 . 10 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
9 . ( 19 . 6 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
10 . ( 11 . 11 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
11 . ( 18 . 4 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
12 . ( 13 . 11 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
13 . ( 12 . 13 ) Jump - Van Halen
14 . ( 6 . 10 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
15 . ( 39 . 2 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
16 . ( 22 . 2 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
17 . ( 14 . 7 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
18 . ( - . 1 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
19 . ( 10 . 4 ) Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
20 . ( 15 . 11 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
21 . ( 20 . 17 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
22 . ( - . 1 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
23 . ( 17 . 8 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
24 . ( 29 . 4 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
25 . ( 24 . 11 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
26 . ( - . 1 ) Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
27 . ( 26 . 14 ) Street Dance - Break Machine
28 . ( - . 1 ) Infatuation - Rod Stewart
29 . ( 21 . 8 ) One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
30 . ( 31 . 3 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
31 . ( 27 . 13 ) To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
32 . ( 16 . 17 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
33 . ( 40 . 2 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
34 . ( 33 . 4 ) Pearl In The Shell - Howard Jones
35 . ( 38 . 3 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
36 . ( 36 . 3 ) Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - The Smiths
37 . ( 23 . 9 ) Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
38 . ( 32 . 4 ) Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
39 . ( 30 . 4 ) You're The Best Thing - The Style Council
40 . ( 37 . 4 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
41 . ( 44 . 2 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
42 . ( 50 . 3 ) Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
43 . ( 41 . 2 ) Self Control - Raf
44 . ( 34 . 4 ) I Feel Like Buddy Holly - Alvin Stardust
45 . ( 43 . 8 ) On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
46 . ( - . 1 ) Colour My Love - Fun Fun
47 . ( 35 . 5 ) Love Wars - Womack & Womack
48 . ( 49 . 2 ) One Better Day - Madness
49 . ( 48 . 4 ) Cargo - Axel Bauer
50 . ( - . 1 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw

51 . Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
52 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
53 . Too Much Trouble - Limahl
54 . So Tired - Ozzy Osbourne
55 . Rough Justice - Bananarama
56 . Playa Blanca - Audrey Landers
57 . Original Sin - INXS
58 . Red Guitar - David Sylvian
59 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
60 . Change Of Heart - Change
61 . Turn Your Back On Me - Kajagoogoo
62 . Debranche! - France Gall
63 . Break Dance Party - Break Machine
64 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
65 . Bye Bye - Billy
66 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
67 . Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
68 . Love All Day - Nick Heyward
69 . Absolute - Scritti Politti
70 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco
71 . P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - Michael Jackson
72 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
73 . Going Down Town Tonight - Status Quo
74 . White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
75 . When Am I Going To Make A Living - Sade
76 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
77 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
78 . Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
79 . Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler
80 . Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
81 . I Wanna Be Loved - Elvis Costello & The Attractions
82 . Dazzle - Siouxsie & The Banshees
83 . Victims Of Circumstance - Barclay James Harvest
84 . Thanks For The Night - The Damned
85 . Boys Do Fall In Love - Robin Gibb
86 . Serenata - Toto Cutugno
87 . Each & Every One - Everything But The Girl
88 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
89 . Perfect Skin - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
90 . Abschied Ist Ein Scharfes Schwert - Roger Whittaker
91 . Body & Soul - Sisters Of Mercy
92 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
93 . Stay With Me Tonight - Jeffrey Osborne
94 . Stay The Night - Chicago
95 . Ain't Nobody - Rufus & Chaka Kahn
96 . Thin Line Between Love & Hate - Pretenders
97 . I'll Be Around - Terri Wells
98 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
99 . Only You - The Flying Pickets
100 . Black & White - Patto

:arrow: Records of the Week:

I'm In A Different World - Barbara Gaskin & Dave Stewart
Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
Turn To Gold - David Austin
Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Out Of The Darkness - Little Steven

:arrow: Sleeper of the Week:

Dr Mabuse - Propaganda

:arrow: Newcomers:

Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
Man On Fire - Roger Taylor

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
3 . Self Control - Raf


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
3 . Bye Bye - Billy


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Self Control - Raf
3 . Jump - Van Halen


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . Olvidame Y Pega La Vuelta - Pimpinela
3 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . I Save The Day - Roberto Jacketti & The Scooters


1 . Locomotion - O.M.D.
2 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
3 . Guardian Angel - Masquerade


1 . Rap Nu / Vejen Dertil - Gunnar Nu Hansen
2 . Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
3 . Guardian Angel - Masquerade


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
3 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Es War Nix - Kurt Gober Band (KGB)
3 . Hello - Lionel Richie


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Locomotion - O.M.D.
3 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress


1 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
2 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
3 . Thriller - Michael Jackson

:arrow: Bronski Beat:


:arrow: Elton John:


:arrow: Bananarama:


:arrow: Duran Duran:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 15, 2017 9:00 pm
autor: gregpol
25.06.1984 (25/84):

1 . ( 1 . 20 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 5 . 9 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
3 . ( 6 . 11 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
4 . ( 2 . 12 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
5 . ( 11 . 5 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
6 . ( 3 . 9 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
7 . ( 9 . 7 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
8 . ( 15 . 3 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
9 . ( 18 . 2 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
10 . ( 28 . 2 ) Infatuation - Rod Stewart
11 . ( 35 . 4 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
12 . ( 8 . 11 ) Locomotion - O.M.D.
13 . ( 10 . 12 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
14 . ( 24 . 5 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
15 . ( 14 . 11 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
16 . ( 12 . 12 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
17 . ( 17 . 8 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
18 . ( 13 . 14 ) Jump - Van Halen
19 . ( 16 . 3 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
20 . ( 7 . 15 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
21 . ( 22 . 2 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
22 . ( 41 . 3 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
23 . ( 26 . 2 ) Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
24 . ( 19 . 5 ) Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
25 . ( 21 . 18 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
26 . ( 25 . 12 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
27 . ( 23 . 9 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
28 . ( 20 . 12 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
29 . ( 4 . 14 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
30 . ( 33 . 3 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
31 . ( RE . 2 ) Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
32 . ( 50 . 2 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
33 . ( 30 . 4 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
34 . ( 43 . 3 ) Self Control - Raf
35 . ( 34 . 5 ) Pearl In The Shell - Howard Jones
36 . ( 40 . 5 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
37 . ( 42 . 4 ) Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
38 . ( 36 . 4 ) Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - The Smiths
39 . ( - . 1 ) Rough Justice - Bananarama
40 . ( 29 . 9 ) One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
41 . ( 38 . 5 ) Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
42 . ( - . 1 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
43 . ( RE . 5 ) Break Dance Party - Break Machine
44 . ( 39 . 5 ) You're The Best Thing - The Style Council
45 . ( 32 . 18 ) Radio Ga Ga - Queen
46 . ( 44 . 5 ) I Feel Like Buddy Holly - Alvin Stardust
47 . ( 46 . 2 ) Colour My Love - Fun Fun
48 . ( - . 1 ) Change Of Heart - Change
49 . ( - . 1 ) So Tired - Ozzy Osbourne
50 . ( 27 . 15 ) Street Dance - Break Machine

51 . Absolute - Scritti Politti
52 . White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
53 . Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
54 . Turn Your Back On Me - Kajagoogoo
55 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
56 . One Better Day - Madness
57 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
58 . Original Sin - INXS
59 . Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
60 . Playa Blanca - Audrey Landers
61 . Debranche! - France Gall
62 . Bye Bye - Billy
63 . Mon P'tit Loup - Johnny Hallyday
64 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
65 . Love Wars - Womack & Womack
66 . I Wanna Be Loved - Elvis Costello & The Attractions
67 . Don't Tell Me - Blancmange
68 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
69 . Love All Day - Nick Heyward
70 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
71 . Red Guitar - David Sylvian
72 . Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri
73 . Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
74 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
75 . On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
76 . Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
77 . Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler
78 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
79 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
80 . Get Out Of Your Lazy Bed - Matt Bianco
81 . Stay The Night - Chicago
82 . Perfect Skin - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
83 . Boys Do Fall In Love - Robin Gibb
84 . Waiting In Vain - Bob Marley & The Wailers
85 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
86 . The Lebanon - Human League
87 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
88 . Those First Impressions - Associates
89 . Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
90 . Doin' It In A Haunted House - Yvonne Gage
91 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
92 . Sensus - Sensus
93 . Thanks For The Night - The Damned
94 . Dance Me Up - Gary Glitter
95 . L'an Mil - Michel Sardou
96 . Leave A Tender Moment Alone - Billy Joel
97 . Only You - The Flying Pickets
98 . Elle Danse Marie - Francois Valery
99 . What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
100 . 25 Lovers - Jennifer Rush

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
Back In The Old Country - Tom Robinson Band

:arrow: Duets of the Week:

Sweet Lovin' Friends - Dolly Parton & Sylvester Stallone
All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias
State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Self Control - Raf
3 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life


1 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
3 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena


1 . Self Control - Raf
2 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . State Of The Nation - Industry


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . Olvidame Y Pega La Vuelta - Pimpinela
3 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
3 . I Save The Day - Roberto Jacketti & The Scooters


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . Locomotion - O.M.D.


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
3 . Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's


1 . Rap Nu / Vejen Dertil - Gunnar Nu Hansen
2 . Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
3 . Anna Mari-Elena - Andy Paul


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
3 . Street Dance - Break Machine


1 . Muistan Sua Elaine - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
2 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood


1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Es War Nix - Kurt Gober Band (KGB)
3 . Hello - Lionel Richie


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Locomotion - O.M.D.
3 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress


1 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
2 . Radio Ga Ga - Queen
3 . Thriller - Michael Jackson

:arrow: Chrysalis Records:


:arrow: Pat Benatar:


:arrow: Spandau Ballet:


:arrow: Ultravox:


:arrow: Billy Idol:


:arrow: Radio Luxembourg:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 15, 2017 9:00 pm
autor: gregpol
02.07.1984 (26/84):

1 . ( 1 . 21 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 5 . 6 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . ( 9 . 3 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
4 . ( 8 . 4 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
5 . ( 2 . 10 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
6 . ( 3 . 12 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
7 . ( 11 . 5 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
8 . ( 4 . 13 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
9 . ( 10 . 3 ) Infatuation - Rod Stewart
10 . ( 7 . 8 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
11 . ( 14 . 6 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
12 . ( 20 . 16 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
13 . ( 21 . 3 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
14 . ( 6 . 10 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
15 . ( 16 . 13 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
16 . ( 13 . 13 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
17 . ( 22 . 4 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
18 . ( 43 . 6 ) Break Dance Party - Break Machine
19 . ( 25 . 19 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
20 . ( 19 . 4 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
21 . ( 17 . 9 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
22 . ( 24 . 6 ) Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
23 . ( 23 . 3 ) Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
24 . ( 29 . 15 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
25 . ( 36 . 6 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
26 . ( 34 . 4 ) Self Control - Raf
27 . ( 15 . 12 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
28 . ( 42 . 2 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
29 . ( 26 . 13 ) Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
30 . ( 32 . 3 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
31 . ( 30 . 4 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
32 . ( - . 1 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
33 . ( RE . 27 ) 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
34 . ( - . 1 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
35 . ( 31 . 3 ) Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
36 . ( - . 1 ) Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
37 . ( 33 . 5 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
38 . ( 37 . 5 ) Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
39 . ( - . 1 ) Bye Bye - Billy
40 . ( 28 . 13 ) People Are People - Depeche Mode
41 . ( RE . 5 ) Cargo - Axel Bauer
42 . ( RE . 3 ) Original Sin - INXS
43 . ( - . 1 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
44 . ( 18 . 15 ) Jump - Van Halen
45 . ( - . 1 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
46 . ( - . 1 ) Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri
47 . ( 47 . 3 ) Colour My Love - Fun Fun
48 . ( 39 . 2 ) Rough Justice - Bananarama
49 . ( 27 . 10 ) Automatic - Pointer Sisters
50 . ( 48 . 2 ) Change Of Heart - Change

51 . Absolute - Scritti Politti
52 . Street Dance - Break Machine
53 . Turn Your Back On Me - Kajagoogoo
54 . Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - The Smiths
55 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
56 . So Tired - Ozzy Osbourne
57 . Pearl In The Shell - Howard Jones
58 . Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
59 . I Wanna Be Loved - Elvis Costello & The Attractions
60 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
61 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
62 . Dance Me Up - Gary Glitter
63 . Life On Your Own - Human League
64 . Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
65 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
66 . Perfect Skin - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
67 . Leave A Tender Moment Alone - Billy Joel
68 . Waiting In Vain - Bob Marley & The Wailers
69 . On S'Embrasse On Oublie Tout - Frederic Francois
70 . You're The Best Thing - The Style Council
71 . On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
72 . I Feel Like Buddy Holly - Alvin Stardust
73 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
74 . Love All Day - Nick Heyward
75 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
76 . To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
77 . Young At Heart - The Bluebells
78 . Debranche! - France Gall
79 . Locomotion - O.M.D.
80 . Stay The Night - Chicago
81 . Boys Do Fall In Love - Robin Gibb
82 . One Better Day - Madness
83 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
84 . What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
85 . Robert De Niro's Waiting - Bananarama
86 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
87 . Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler
88 . Those First Impressions - Associates
89 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
90 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
91 . When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
92 . To Be Or Not To Be - Mel Brooks
93 . Sweet Somebody - Shannon
94 . One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
95 . On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
96 . Love Wars - Womack & Womack
97 . Come Back & Stay - Paul Young
98 . Love Somebody - Rick Springfield
99 . A L'est De D'Eden - Vicky Leandros
100 . I Found Lovin' - The Fatback Band

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Young At Heart - The Bluebells
80's Romance - The Belle Stars
House Of Salome - Kim Wilde
Where Do The Boys Go? - Men Without Hats

:arrow: Sleeper of the Week:

Miss Me Blind - Culture Club

:arrow: Newcomers:

The Ship - Luc Van Acker
Masked Moods - Blue Rondo

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Self Control - Raf
3 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville


1 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
2 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
3 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company


1 . Self Control - Raf
2 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . I Treni Di Tozeur - Alice & Franco Battiato


1 . Street Dance - Break Machine
2 . Olvidame Y Pega La Vuelta - Pimpinela
3 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers
3 . I Save The Day - Roberto Jacketti & The Scooters


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Sweetest Sweetest - Jermaine Jackson
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Rap Nu / Vejen Dertil - Gunnar Nu Hansen
2 . Let's Break Into The 80's - Master Genius
3 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler
3 . Street Dance - Break Machine


1 . Muistan Sua Elaine - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
2 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood


1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
3 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Self Control - Raf
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Es War Nix - Kurt Gober Band (KGB)
3 . Hello - Lionel Richie


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Locomotion - O.M.D.
3 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
3 . Hello - Lionel Richie

:arrow: Robin Gibb:


:arrow: Prince & The Revolution:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 15, 2017 9:01 pm
autor: gregpol
09.07.1984 (27/84):

1 . ( 1 . 22 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . ( 4 . 5 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
3 . ( 2 . 7 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
4 . ( 3 . 4 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
5 . ( 5 . 11 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
6 . ( 6 . 13 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
7 . ( 7 . 6 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
8 . ( 10 . 9 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
9 . ( 17 . 5 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
10 . ( 8 . 14 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
11 . ( 20 . 5 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
12 . ( 11 . 7 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
13 . ( 13 . 4 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
14 . ( 9 . 4 ) Infatuation - Rod Stewart
15 . ( 15 . 14 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
16 . ( 37 . 6 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
17 . ( 34 . 2 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
18 . ( - . 1 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
19 . ( 14 . 11 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
20 . ( - . 1 ) Absolute - Scritti Politti
21 . ( 16 . 14 ) Don't Answer Me - Alan Parsons Project
22 . ( 36 . 2 ) Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
23 . ( 23 . 4 ) Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
24 . ( 12 . 17 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
25 . ( 25 . 7 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
26 . ( 26 . 5 ) Self Control - Raf
27 . ( 31 . 5 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
28 . ( 22 . 7 ) Diggi Loo Diggi Ley - Herrey's
29 . ( 28 . 3 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
30 . ( RE . 6 ) Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
31 . ( 19 . 20 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
32 . ( - . 1 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
33 . ( 27 . 13 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
34 . ( 30 . 4 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
35 . ( 32 . 2 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
36 . ( RE . 6 ) Pearl In The Shell - Howard Jones
37 . ( 39 . 2 ) Bye Bye - Billy
38 . ( 45 . 2 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
39 . ( 43 . 2 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
40 . ( 18 . 7 ) Break Dance Party - Break Machine
41 . ( - . 1 ) Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
42 . ( 46 . 2 ) Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri
43 . ( 38 . 6 ) Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
44 . ( 24 . 16 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
45 . ( - . 1 ) Life On Your Own - Human League
46 . ( RE . 7 ) Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
47 . ( 50 . 3 ) Change Of Heart - Change
48 . ( - . 1 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
49 . ( - . 1 ) Young At Heart - The Bluebells
50 . ( RE . 9 ) La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo

51 . When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
52 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
53 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
54 . Street Dance - Break Machine
55 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
56 . Dance Me Up - Gary Glitter
57 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
58 . Original Sin - INXS
59 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
60 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
61 . I Wanna Be Loved - Elvis Costello & The Attractions
62 . Perfect Skin - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
63 . Leave A Tender Moment Alone - Billy Joel
64 . Sister Of Mercy - Thompson Twins
65 . Waiting In Vain - Bob Marley & The Wailers
66 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
67 . People Are People - Depeche Mode
68 . So Tired - Ozzy Osbourne
69 . Lament - Ultravox
70 . Automatic - Pointer Sisters
71 . Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - The Smiths
72 . Dancing In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen
73 . Colour My Love - Fun Fun
74 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
75 . Sweet Somebody - Shannon
76 . Turn Your Back On Me - Kajagoogoo
77 . Locomotion - O.M.D.
78 . Stay The Night - Chicago
79 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
80 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
81 . Rough Justice - Bananarama
82 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
83 . You're The Best Thing - The Style Council
84 . Come Back - The Mighty Wah!
85 . Love Somebody - Rick Springfield
86 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
87 . On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
88 . Jump - Van Halen
89 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
90 . I Feel Like Buddy Holly - Alvin Stardust
91 . Boys Do Fall In Love - Robin Gibb
92 . All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias
93 . On Va S'aimer - Gilbert Montagne
94 . Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
95 . Those First Impressions - Associates
96 . On S'Embrasse On Oublie Tout - Frederic Francois
97 . Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie Tyler
98 . Beat Street - Grandmaster & Melle Mel & The Furious Five
99 . Come Back & Stay - Paul Young
100 . A L'est De D'Eden - Vicky Leandros

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Life On Your Own - Human League
Baby I'm Scared Of You - Womack & Womack
So Close - The Flying Pickets
Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy

:arrow: Newcomers:

Out On Your Own - The Lotus Eaters
Sweet Somebody - Shannon

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Self Control - Raf
3 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville


1 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
2 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
3 . Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri


1 . Self Control - Raf
2 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . I Treni Di Tozeur - Alice & Franco Battiato


1 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union
2 . Solo Le Pido A Dios - Ana Belen
3 . Panico En El Eden - Pino Casal


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
3 . One Love / People Get Ready - Bob Marley & The Wailers


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Sweetest Sweetest - Jermaine Jackson
3 . Locomotion - O.M.D.


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Rap Nu / Vejen Dertil - Gunnar Nu Hansen
2 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
3 . To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Muistan Sua Elaine - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
2 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood


1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
3 . Stuck On You - Lionel Richie


1 . Hello - Lionel Richie
2 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Es War Nix - Kurt Gober Band (KGB)
3 . Hello - Lionel Richie


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
3 . I Miss You (Lost In Pain) - Big Alice


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Hello - Lionel Richie
3 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena

:arrow: Tina Turner:


:arrow: Argentina Charts:

W Argentynie, kolejny europejski przebój numerem #1 - Sunshine Reggae, bo chyba o ten kawałek tu chodzi... ?


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 22, 2017 7:44 am
autor: gregpol
Na podstawie notowania z 23.07.1984:

16.07.1984 (28/84):

1 . ( 9 . 6 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . ( 1 . 23 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . ( 4 . 5 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
4 . ( 3 . 8 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
5 . ( 2 . 6 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
6 . ( 18 . 2 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
7 . ( 5 . 12 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
8 . ( 16 . 7 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
9 . ( 7 . 7 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
10 . ( 11 . 6 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
11 . ( 13 . 5 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
12 . ( 6 . 14 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
13 . ( 34 . 5 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
14 . ( 12 . 8 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
15 . ( 8 . 10 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
16 . ( 35 . 3 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
17 . ( 27 . 6 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
18 . ( 32 . 2 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
19 . ( 22 . 3 ) Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
20 . ( 26 . 6 ) Self Control - Raf
21 . ( 31 . 21 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
22 . ( 19 . 12 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
23 . ( 17 . 3 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
24 . ( 10 . 15 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
25 . ( 20 . 2 ) Absolute - Scritti Politti
26 . ( 25 . 8 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
27 . ( 29 . 4 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
28 . ( - . 1 ) When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
29 . ( 33 . 14 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
30 . ( 23 . 5 ) Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
31 . ( 38 . 3 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
32 . ( - . 1 ) Hole In My Shoe - Neil
33 . ( 14 . 5 ) Infatuation - Rod Stewart
34 . ( 39 . 3 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
35 . ( 37 . 3 ) Bye Bye - Billy
36 . ( - . 1 ) Debranche! - France Gall
37 . ( 48 . 2 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
38 . ( 42 . 3 ) Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri
39 . ( - . 1 ) Sister Of Mercy - Thompson Twins
40 . ( 41 . 2 ) Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
41 . ( 15 . 15 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
42 . ( 47 . 4 ) Change Of Heart - Change
43 . ( 49 . 2 ) Young At Heart - The Bluebells
44 . ( 44 . 17 ) Hello - Lionel Richie
45 . ( 30 . 7 ) Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
46 . ( - . 1 ) Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
47 . ( 43 . 7 ) Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
48 . ( RE . 10 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
49 . ( 45 . 2 ) Life On Your Own - Human League
50 . ( 50 . 10 ) La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo

51 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
52 . Lament - Ultravox
53 . Break Dance Party - Break Machine
54 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
55 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
56 . Original Sin - INXS
57 . You Think You're A Man - Divine
58 . Seven Seas - Echo & The Bunnymen
59 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
60 . All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias
61 . Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
62 . Sweet Somebody - Shannon
63 . Leave A Tender Moment Alone - Billy Joel
64 . Perfect Skin - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
65 .
66 . Waiting In Vain - Bob Marley & The Wailers
67 . Pearl In The Shell - Howard Jones
68 . Down On The Street - Shakatak
69 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
70 .
71 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
72 . I Wanna Be Loved - Elvis Costello & The Attractions
73 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
74 . Stay The Night - Chicago
75 .
76 .
77 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
78 .
79 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
80 . Come Back - The Mighty Wah!
81 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
82 . On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
83 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
84 . Closest Thing To Heaven - The Kane Gang
85 .
86 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
87 . Tossing & Turning - Windjammer
88 . Jump - Van Halen
89 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
90 . Boys Do Fall In Love - Robin Gibb
91 .
92 . Beat Street - Grandmaster & Melle Mel & The Furious Five
93 . Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
94 .
95 . Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
96 .
97 . Love Somebody - Rick Springfield
98 . Just For Old Time's Sake - Foster & Allen
99 .
100 . Agadoo - Black Lace

:arrow: The Jacksons:

Obrazek Obrazek

:arrow: Rick Springfield:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 22, 2017 7:45 am
autor: gregpol
23.07.1984 (29/84):

1 . ( 1 . 7 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . ( 6 . 3 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
3 . ( 5 . 7 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
4 . ( 3 . 6 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
5 . ( 2 . 24 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
6 . ( 4 . 9 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
7 . ( 18 . 3 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
8 . ( 9 . 8 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
9 . ( 7 . 13 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
10 . ( 17 . 7 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
11 . ( 8 . 8 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
12 . ( 11 . 6 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
13 . ( 24 . 16 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
14 . ( 10 . 7 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
15 . ( 13 . 6 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
16 . ( 14 . 9 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
17 . ( 41 . 16 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
18 . ( 20 . 7 ) Self Control - Raf
19 . ( 16 . 4 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
20 . ( 22 . 13 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
21 . ( 15 . 11 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
22 . ( 12 . 15 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
23 . ( 19 . 4 ) Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
24 . ( 39 . 2 ) Sister Of Mercy - Thompson Twins
25 . ( 23 . 4 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
26 . ( 31 . 4 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
27 . ( 28 . 2 ) When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
28 . ( 26 . 9 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
29 . ( 21 . 22 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
30 . ( 32 . 2 ) Hole In My Shoe - Neil
31 . ( 25 . 3 ) Absolute - Scritti Politti
32 . ( 30 . 6 ) Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
33 . ( 37 . 3 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
34 . ( 33 . 6 ) Infatuation - Rod Stewart
35 . ( 34 . 4 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
36 . ( 43 . 3 ) Young At Heart - The Bluebells
37 . ( 40 . 3 ) Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
38 . ( 35 . 4 ) Bye Bye - Billy
39 . ( RE . 6 ) Cargo - Axel Bauer
40 . ( RE . 18 ) Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
41 . ( 38 . 4 ) Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri
42 . ( - . 1 ) You Think You're A Man - Divine
43 . ( 27 . 5 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
44 . ( - . 1 ) Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
45 . ( 46 . 2 ) Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
46 . ( - . 1 ) Seven Seas - Echo & The Bunnymen
47 . ( 29 . 15 ) To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
48 . ( - . 1 ) All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias
49 . ( 42 . 5 ) Change Of Heart - Change
50 . ( 50 . 11 ) La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo

51 . Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
52 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
53 . Down On The Street - Shakatak
54 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
55 . Lament - Ultravox
56 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
57 . Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
58 . Hello - Lionel Richie
59 . Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
60 . Sweet Somebody - Shannon
61 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
62 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
63 . Life On Your Own - Human League
64 . Come Back - The Mighty Wah!
65 . Closest Thing To Heaven - The Kane Gang
66 . Original Sin - INXS
67 . Just For Tonight (On Va S'aimer) - Gilbert Montagne
68 . Break Dance Party - Break Machine
69 . Tossing & Turning - Windjammer
70 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
71 . Toute Premiere Fois - Jeanne Mas
72 . Leave A Tender Moment Alone - Billy Joel
73 . On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
74 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
75 . Pearl In The Shell - Howard Jones
76 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
77 . The Day Before You Came - Blancmange
78 . Stay The Night - Chicago
79 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
80 . Waiting In Vain - Bob Marley & The Wailers
81 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
82 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
83 . Beat Street - Grandmaster & Melle Mel & The Furious Five
84 . Love Songs Are Back Again - Band Of Gold
85 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
86 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
87 . Still Loving You - Scorpions
88 . Perfect Skin - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
89 . Boys Do Fall In Love - Robin Gibb
90 . Encore Un Matin - Jean Jacques Goldman
91 . I Wanna Be Loved - Elvis Costello & The Attractions
92 . Jump - Van Halen
93 . Agadoo - Black Lace
94 . Engel 07 - Hubert Kah
95 . Debranche! - France Gall
96 . Just For Old Time's Sake - Foster & Allen
97 . Slice Me Nice - Fancy
98 . Love Somebody - Rick Springfield
99 . Dancing Girls - Nik Kershaw
100 . Love Of The Common People - Paul Young

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Take - The Colourfield
Whode Side Are You On? - Matt Bianco
The Day Before You Came - Blancmange

:arrow: Newcomers:

Doin' It In A Haunted House - Yvonne Gage
Never Told A Soul - John Illsley

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Hole In My Shoe - Neil
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Self Control - Raf
2 . Fotoromanza - Gianna Nannini
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union
2 . What Do I Do? - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
3 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
3 . The Reflex - Duran Duran


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Rap Nu / Vejen Dertil - Gunnar Nu Hansen
2 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
3 . To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Muistan Sua Elaine - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
2 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt
3 . Nyt Reppuni Jupiset - Eppu Normaali


1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
3 . I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Self Control - Raf
3 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
3 . The Reflex - Duran Duran


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . The Lebanon - Human League
3 . Locomotion - O.M.D.


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Hello - Lionel Richie
3 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena

:arrow: Michael Jackson:


:arrow: Roger Taylor:


:arrow: Icehouse:


:arrow: Monte Carlo:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 22, 2017 7:45 am
autor: gregpol
30.07.1984 (30/84):

1 . ( 1 . 8 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . ( 2 . 4 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
3 . ( 4 . 7 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
4 . ( 5 . 25 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
5 . ( 3 . 8 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
6 . ( 6 . 10 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
7 . ( 7 . 4 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
8 . ( 10 . 8 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
9 . ( 15 . 7 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
10 . ( 9 . 14 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
11 . ( 11 . 9 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
12 . ( 8 . 9 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
13 . ( 13 . 17 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
14 . ( 18 . 8 ) Self Control - Raf
15 . ( 19 . 5 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
16 . ( 12 . 7 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
17 . ( 14 . 8 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
18 . ( - . 1 ) Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
19 . ( 20 . 14 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
20 . ( 17 . 17 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
21 . ( 25 . 5 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
22 . ( 50 . 12 ) La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
23 . ( 23 . 5 ) Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
24 . ( 27 . 3 ) When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
25 . ( 24 . 3 ) Sister Of Mercy - Thompson Twins
26 . ( 28 . 10 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
27 . ( 29 . 23 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
28 . ( 30 . 3 ) Hole In My Shoe - Neil
29 . ( - . 1 ) Down On The Street - Shakatak
30 . ( 33 . 4 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
31 . ( 42 . 2 ) You Think You're A Man - Divine
32 . ( 16 . 10 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
33 . ( 36 . 4 ) Young At Heart - The Bluebells
34 . ( 35 . 5 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
35 . ( 45 . 3 ) Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
36 . ( 37 . 4 ) Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
37 . ( 31 . 4 ) Absolute - Scritti Politti
38 . ( 48 . 2 ) All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias
39 . ( 44 . 2 ) Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
40 . ( 38 . 5 ) Bye Bye - Billy
41 . ( 34 . 7 ) Infatuation - Rod Stewart
42 . ( 26 . 5 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
43 . ( 41 . 5 ) Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri
44 . ( 21 . 12 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
45 . ( 46 . 2 ) Seven Seas - Echo & The Bunnymen
46 . ( 32 . 7 ) Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
47 . ( - . 1 ) Such A Shame - Talk Talk
48 . ( - . 1 ) Closest Thing To Heaven - The Kane Gang
49 . ( 22 . 16 ) I Want To Break Free - Queen
50 . ( - . 1 ) Come Back - The Mighty Wah!

51 . It's A Hard Life - Queen
52 . The Day Before You Came - Blancmange
53 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
54 . Sweet Somebody - Shannon
55 . Just For Tonight (On Va S'aimer) - Gilbert Montagne
56 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
57 . Searchin' (I Gotta Find A Man) - Hazell Dean
58 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
59 . Change Of Heart - Change
60 . On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
61 . Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
62 . Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
63 . Lament - Ultravox
64 . Tossing & Turning - Windjammer
65 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
66 . Toute Premiere Fois - Jeanne Mas
67 . Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) - Hazell Dean
68 . Hello - Lionel Richie
69 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
70 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
71 . Life On Your Own - Human League
72 . Stay The Night - Chicago
73 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
74 . Agadoo - Black Lace
75 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
76 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
77 . Love Songs Are Back Again - Band Of Gold
78 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
79 . Some Guys Have All The Luck - Rod Stewart
80 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
81 . Still Loving You - Scorpions
82 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
83 . Beat Street - Grandmaster & Melle Mel & The Furious Five
84 . Encore Un Matin - Jean Jacques Goldman
85 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
86 . Just For Old Time's Sake - Foster & Allen
87 . Slice Me Nice - Fancy
88 . Original Sin - INXS
89 . Leave A Tender Moment Alone - Billy Joel
90 . Boys Do Fall In Love - Robin Gibb
91 . Debranche! - France Gall
92 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw
93 . Sunglasses - Tracey Ullman
94 . Les Deux Ecoles - Michel Sardou
95 . A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles
96 . Precious Little Diamond - Fox The Fox
97 . The More You Live, The More You Love - A Flock Of Seagulls
98 . Love Somebody - Rick Springfield
99 . Die Hesse Komme - Rodgau Monotones
100 . Waiting In Vain - Bob Marley & The Wailers

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Message To My Girl - Split Enz
No Song To Sing - One Two

:arrow: Sleeper of the Week:

That Sinking Feeling / Stood Up Again - Whizz For Atoms

:arrow: Newcomers:

Oh! Brother - The Fall
Drop Me In A City - Dirk Blanchart
Menage A Trois - K-Ram

:arrow: Re-Releases of the Week:

Brown Sugar - The Rolling Stones
A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Hole In My Shoe - Neil
3 . Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!


1 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
2 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Self Control - Raf
2 . Fotoromanza - Gianna Nannini
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union
2 . La Colegiala - Gary Low
3 . To All The Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet


1 . The Reflex - Duran Duran
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
2 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
3 . Rap Nu / Vejen Dertil - Gunnar Nu Hansen


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Beast Of Burden - Bette Midler


1 . Muistan Sua Elaine - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
2 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt
3 . Nyt Reppuni Jupiset - Eppu Normaali


1 . Hole In My Shoe - Neil
2 . When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
3 . What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Self Control - Raf
3 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . Kumm Hoit Mi - Gitti & Gary


1 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet


1 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
2 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
3 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena

:arrow: Nik Kershaw:


:arrow: EMI / Capitol Records:


:arrow: A&M Records:


:arrow: Phonogram International:


:arrow: Polydor:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 29, 2017 2:24 pm
autor: gregpol
Na podstawie notowania z 13.08.1984:

06.08.1984 (31/84):

1 . ( 1 . 9 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . ( 2 . 5 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
3 . ( 3 . 8 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
4 . ( 6 . 11 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
5 . ( 5 . 9 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
6 . ( 4 . 26 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
7 . ( 7 . 5 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
8 . ( 11 . 10 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
9 . ( 8 . 9 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
10 . ( 9 . 8 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
11 . ( 15 . 6 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
12 . ( 12 . 10 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
13 . ( 14 . 9 ) Self Control - Raf
14 . ( 13 . 18 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
15 . ( 18 . 2 ) Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
16 . ( 24 . 4 ) When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
17 . ( 17 . 9 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
18 . ( 30 . 5 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
19 . ( 19 . 15 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
20 . ( 20 . 18 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
21 . ( 21 . 6 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
22 . ( 16 . 8 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
23 . ( 22 . 13 ) La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
24 . ( 32 . 11 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
25 . ( 10 . 15 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
26 . ( 46 . 8 ) Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
27 . ( - . 1 ) It's A Hard Life - Queen
28 . ( 26 . 11 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
29 . ( 29 . 2 ) Down On The Street - Shakatak
30 . ( 44 . 13 ) Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
31 . ( 23 . 6 ) Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
32 . ( - . 1 ) Sweet Somebody - Shannon
33 . ( 28 . 4 ) Hole In My Shoe - Neil
34 . ( 36 . 5 ) Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
35 . ( 27 . 24 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
36 . ( 25 . 4 ) Sister Of Mercy - Thompson Twins
37 . ( 35 . 4 ) Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
38 . ( 42 . 6 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
39 . ( 38 . 3 ) All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias
40 . ( 34 . 6 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
41 . ( 39 . 3 ) Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
42 . ( 33 . 5 ) Young At Heart - The Bluebells
43 . ( - . 1 ) Careless Whisper - George Michael
44 . ( 40 . 6 ) Bye Bye - Billy
45 . ( 41 . 8 ) Infatuation - Rod Stewart
46 . ( - . 1 ) Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) - Hazell Dean
47 . ( 43 . 6 ) Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri
48 . ( 47 . 2 ) Such A Shame - Talk Talk
49 . ( 31 . 3 ) You Think You're A Man - Divine
50 . ( 48 . 2 ) Closest Thing To Heaven - The Kane Gang

51 .
52 . On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
53 . Agadoo - Black Lace
54 . The Day Before You Came - Blancmange
55 . Tossing & Turning - Windjammer
56 . Come Back - The Mighty Wah!
57 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
58 . Seven Seas - Echo & The Bunnymen
59 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
60 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
61 .
62 . Some Guys Have All The Luck - Rod Stewart
63 . Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
64 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
65 . Just For Tonight (On Va S'aimer) - Gilbert Montagne
66 . Toute Premiere Fois - Jeanne Mas
67 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
68 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
69 . Sunglasses - Tracey Ullman
70 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
71 .
72 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
73 .
74 . Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
75 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
76 . Love Songs Are Back Again - Band Of Gold
77 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
78 . Stay The Night - Chicago
79 .
80 .
81 . Still Loving You - Scorpions
82 . The More You Live, The More You Love - A Flock Of Seagulls
83 . Slice Me Nice - Fancy
84 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
85 . Precious Little Diamond - Fox The Fox
86 . Stuck On You - Trevor Walters
87 . Just The Way You Like It - The S.O.S. Band
88 . Encore Un Matin - Jean Jacques Goldman
89 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
90 .
91 . Original Sin - INXS
92 .
93 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
94 . Nervous Shakedown - AC/DC
95 . Debranche! - France Gall
96 . In The Country - The Farmer's Boys
97 . Die Hesse Komme - Rodgau Monotones
98 . Les Deux Ecoles - Michel Sardou
99 . 99 1/2 - Carol Lynn Townes
100 .

:arrow: Julio Iglesias:


:arrow: Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias:


:arrow: Duran Duran:


:arrow: Bob Marley:


:arrow: Rod Stewart:


:arrow: Neil Diamond:


:arrow: Pointer Sisters:


:arrow: Scorpions:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob lip 29, 2017 2:25 pm
autor: gregpol
13.08.1984 (32/84):

1 . ( 1 . 10 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . ( 2 . 6 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
3 . ( 3 . 9 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
4 . ( 4 . 12 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
5 . ( 6 . 27 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
6 . ( 5 . 10 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
7 . ( 7 . 6 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
8 . ( 10 . 9 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
9 . ( 8 . 11 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
10 . ( 15 . 3 ) Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
11 . ( 9 . 10 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
12 . ( 16 . 5 ) When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
13 . ( 11 . 7 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
14 . ( 13 . 10 ) Self Control - Raf
15 . ( 18 . 6 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
16 . ( 19 . 16 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
17 . ( 21 . 7 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
18 . ( 38 . 7 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
19 . ( 27 . 2 ) It's A Hard Life - Queen
20 . ( 14 . 19 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
21 . ( 12 . 11 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
22 . ( 20 . 19 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
23 . ( 23 . 14 ) La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
24 . ( 25 . 16 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
25 . ( 28 . 12 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
26 . ( 34 . 6 ) Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
27 . ( 41 . 4 ) Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
28 . ( 36 . 5 ) Sister Of Mercy - Thompson Twins
29 . ( 29 . 3 ) Down On The Street - Shakatak
30 . ( 22 . 9 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
31 . ( 35 . 25 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
32 . ( 43 . 2 ) Careless Whisper - George Michael
33 . ( 37 . 5 ) Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
34 . ( - . 1 ) Agadoo - Black Lace
35 . ( 33 . 5 ) Hole In My Shoe - Neil
36 . ( 17 . 10 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
37 . ( 46 . 2 ) Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) - Hazell Dean
38 . ( 40 . 7 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
39 . ( 24 . 12 ) Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
40 . ( - . 1 ) The More You Live, The More You Love - A Flock Of Seagulls
41 . ( 32 . 2 ) Sweet Somebody - Shannon
42 . ( 50 . 3 ) Closest Thing To Heaven - The Kane Gang
43 . ( 45 . 9 ) Infatuation - Rod Stewart
44 . ( RE . 6 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
45 . ( - . 1 ) On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
46 . ( 48 . 3 ) Such A Shame - Talk Talk
47 . ( 47 . 7 ) Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri
48 . ( 39 . 4 ) All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias
49 . ( 31 . 7 ) Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
50 . ( 42 . 6 ) Young At Heart - The Bluebells

51 . You Think You're A Man - Divine
52 . Farewell My Summer Love - Michael Jackson
53 . Toute Premiere Fois - Jeanne Mas
54 . Tossing & Turning - Windjammer
55 . The Day Before You Came - Blancmange
56 . Stuck On You - Trevor Walters
57 . Some Guys Have All The Luck - Rod Stewart
58 . Let's Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams
59 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
60 . Sunglasses - Tracey Ullman
61 . Bye Bye - Billy
62 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
63 . Come Back - The Mighty Wah!
64 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
65 . Seven Seas - Echo & The Bunnymen
66 . Love Songs Are Back Again - Band Of Gold
67 . Encore Un Matin - Jean Jacques Goldman
68 . Like To Get To Know You Well - Howard Jones
69 . Dum Dum Girl - Talk Talk
70 . Just For Tonight (On Va S'aimer) - Gilbert Montagne
71 . Nervous Shakedown - AC/DC
72 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
73 . Just The Way You Like It - The S.O.S. Band
74 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
75 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
76 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
77 . Send Me An Angel - Real Life
78 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
79 . Precious Little Diamond - Fox The Fox
80 . Dr Beat - Miami Sound Machine
81 . Slice Me Nice - Fancy
82 . We Rock - DIO
83 . Still Loving You - Scorpions
84 . I Need You - Pointer Sisters
85 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
86 . In The Country - The Farmer's Boys
87 . Dr Mabuse - Propaganda
88 . Thinking Of You - Sister Sledge
89 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
90 . Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung
91 . Die Hesse Komme - Rodgau Monotones
92 . 99 1/2 - Carol Lynn Townes
93 . Original Sin - INXS
94 . Les Deux Ecoles - Michel Sardou
95 . I Love Men - Eartha Kitt
96 . Stay The Night - Chicago
97 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
98 . Are You Ready - Break Machine
99 . Passengers - Elton John
100 . Debranche! - France Gall

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Turn Your Heart Around - Keats
Don't Break My Heart - Common Knowledge
It's A Hard Life - Queen
Dum Dum Girl - Talk Talk

:arrow: Sleeper of the Week:

Jimmy Loves Maryann - Josie Cotton

:arrow: Newcomers:

Block Party - Stacy Lattisaw & Johnny Gill
The Blue Hour - Raise The Dragon

:arrow: Disco-Dance Smashes:

Get Up Offa That Thing (James Who?) - Screamin' Tony Baxter
Freakshow On The Dance Floor - Bar-Kays

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Careless Whisper - George Michael
3 . What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
2 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk


1 . Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
2 . Les Deux Ecoles - Michel Sardou
3 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company


1 . Self Control - Raf
2 . Fotoromanza - Gianna Nannini
3 . Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union
2 . La Colegiala - Gary Low
3 . Hypnotic Tango - My Mine


1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
3 . The Reflex - Duran Duran


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Sammenhold, Du - Nanna
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
3 . Big In Japan - Alphaville


1 . Muistan Sua Elaine - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
2 . Where Is My Man - Eartha Kitt
3 . Nyt Reppuni Jupiset - Eppu Normaali


1 . Hole In My Shoe - Neil
2 . When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
3 . What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Self Control - Raf


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . Fuerstenfeld - STS


1 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company

:arrow: Little Steven:


:arrow: The Fixx:


:arrow: Gina X:


:arrow: Spandau Ballet:


:arrow: Radio Oslo:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob sie 12, 2017 7:45 am
autor: gregpol
Na podstawie notowania z 27.08.1984:

20.08.1984 (33/84):

1 . ( 1 . 11 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . ( 3 . 10 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . ( 2 . 7 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
4 . ( 4 . 13 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
5 . ( 12 . 6 ) When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
6 . ( 5 . 28 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
7 . ( 6 . 11 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
8 . ( 8 . 10 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
9 . ( 10 . 4 ) Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
10 . ( 11 . 11 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
11 . ( 15 . 7 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
12 . ( 19 . 3 ) It's A Hard Life - Queen
13 . ( 7 . 7 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
14 . ( 14 . 11 ) Self Control - Raf
15 . ( 9 . 12 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
16 . ( 13 . 8 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
17 . ( 20 . 20 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
18 . ( 29 . 4 ) Down On The Street - Shakatak
19 . ( 16 . 17 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
20 . ( 17 . 8 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
21 . ( 40 . 2 ) The More You Live, The More You Love - A Flock Of Seagulls
22 . ( 22 . 20 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
23 . ( 24 . 17 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
24 . ( 18 . 8 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
25 . ( 36 . 11 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
26 . ( 30 . 10 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
27 . ( 48 . 5 ) All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias
28 . ( 27 . 5 ) Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
29 . ( 32 . 3 ) Careless Whisper - George Michael
30 . ( 31 . 26 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
31 . ( 21 . 12 ) Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
32 . ( 34 . 2 ) Agadoo - Black Lace
33 . ( 37 . 3 ) Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) - Hazell Dean
34 . ( 33 . 6 ) Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
35 . ( 25 . 13 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
36 . ( 46 . 4 ) Such A Shame - Talk Talk
37 . ( - . 1 ) Sunglasses - Tracey Ullman
38 . ( 38 . 8 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
39 . ( 45 . 2 ) On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
40 . ( - . 1 ) Like To Get To Know You Well - Howard Jones
41 . ( 35 . 6 ) Hole In My Shoe - Neil
42 . ( 44 . 7 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
43 . ( 47 . 8 ) Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri
44 . ( 42 . 4 ) Closest Thing To Heaven - The Kane Gang
45 . ( 49 . 8 ) Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
46 . ( RE . 11 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
47 . ( - . 1 ) Stuck On You - Trevor Walters
48 . ( 26 . 7 ) Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
49 . ( - . 1 ) Toute Premiere Fois - Jeanne Mas
50 . ( - . 1 ) Dum Dum Girl - Talk Talk

51 . Tossing & Turning - Windjammer
52 . Some Guys Have All The Luck - Rod Stewart
53 .
54 . You Think You're A Man - Divine
55 . Young At Heart - The Bluebells
56 . Love Songs Are Back Again - Band Of Gold
57 . Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
58 . The Day Before You Came - Blancmange
59 . Bye Bye - Billy
60 . Infatuation - Rod Stewart
61 . 2 Minutes To Midnight - Iron Maiden
62 .
63 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
64 . Dr Beat - Miami Sound Machine
65 .
66 .
67 . Encore Un Matin - Jean Jacques Goldman
68 . Passengers - Elton John
69 . Just The Way You Like It - The S.O.S. Band
70 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
71 . I Need You - Pointer Sisters
72 .
73 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
74 . Nervous Shakedown - AC/DC
75 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
76 . The Ink In The Well - David Sylvian
77 . Mothers Talk - Tears For Fears
78 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
79 . Just For Tonight (On Va S'aimer) - Gilbert Montagne
80 . Precious Little Diamond - Fox The Fox
81 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
82 . Slice Me Nice - Fancy
83 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
84 .
85 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
86 .
87 . Still Loving You - Scorpions
88 .
89 . Are You Ready - Break Machine
90 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
91 . In The Country - The Farmer's Boys
92 . Linda - The Ace Cats
93 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
94 . Original Sin - INXS
95 .
96 . Les Deux Ecoles - Michel Sardou
97 .
98 . Dream - P. Lion
99 . Girl You're So Together - Michael Jackson
100 .

:arrow: Frankie Goes To Hollywood:


:arrow: Lionel Richie:


:arrow: Thompson Twins:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob sie 12, 2017 7:46 am
autor: gregpol
27.08.1984 (34/84):

1 . ( 1 . 12 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . ( 2 . 11 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . ( 3 . 8 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
4 . ( 4 . 14 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
5 . ( 5 . 7 ) When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
6 . ( 6 . 29 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
7 . ( 9 . 5 ) Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
8 . ( 7 . 12 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
9 . ( 8 . 11 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
10 . ( 13 . 8 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
11 . ( 11 . 8 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
12 . ( 14 . 12 ) Self Control - Raf
13 . ( 15 . 13 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
14 . ( 12 . 4 ) It's A Hard Life - Queen
15 . ( 10 . 12 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
16 . ( 16 . 9 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
17 . ( 18 . 5 ) Down On The Street - Shakatak
18 . ( 19 . 18 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins
19 . ( 17 . 21 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
20 . ( 21 . 3 ) The More You Live, The More You Love - A Flock Of Seagulls
21 . ( 20 . 9 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
22 . ( 29 . 4 ) Careless Whisper - George Michael
23 . ( 46 . 12 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
24 . ( - . 1 ) I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder
25 . ( 26 . 11 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
26 . ( 23 . 18 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
27 . ( 32 . 3 ) Agadoo - Black Lace
28 . ( 30 . 27 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
29 . ( 37 . 2 ) Sunglasses - Tracey Ullman
30 . ( 22 . 21 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
31 . ( 40 . 2 ) Like To Get To Know You Well - Howard Jones
32 . ( 33 . 4 ) Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) - Hazell Dean
33 . ( 34 . 7 ) Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
34 . ( 36 . 5 ) Such A Shame - Talk Talk
35 . ( 35 . 14 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
36 . ( 47 . 2 ) Stuck On You - Trevor Walters
37 . ( - . 1 ) 2 Minutes To Midnight - Iron Maiden
38 . ( 38 . 9 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
39 . ( 24 . 9 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
40 . ( 28 . 6 ) Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
41 . ( 39 . 3 ) On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
42 . ( 42 . 8 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
43 . ( - . 1 ) Passengers - Elton John
44 . ( 49 . 2 ) Toute Premiere Fois - Jeanne Mas
45 . ( - . 1 ) Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Junior
46 . ( - . 1 ) Still Loving You - Scorpions
47 . ( - . 1 ) Dr Beat - Miami Sound Machine
48 . ( 25 . 12 ) Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
49 . ( 27 . 6 ) All Of You - Diana Ross & Julio Iglesias
50 . ( 43 . 9 ) Voulez-Vous Dancer - Ricchi e Poveri

51 . Some Guys Have All The Luck - Rod Stewart
52 . Closest Thing To Heaven - The Kane Gang
53 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
54 . Tossing & Turning - Windjammer
55 . Mothers Talk - Tears For Fears
56 . Dum Dum Girl - Talk Talk
57 . I'll Fly For You - Spandau Ballet
58 . Hole In My Shoe - Neil
59 . Bye Bye - Billy
60 . Love Songs Are Back Again - Band Of Gold
61 . I Need You - Pointer Sisters
62 . Love Resurrection - Alison Moyet
63 . You Think You're A Man - Divine
64 . Danse Autour De La Terre - Mini-Star
65 . Encore Un Matin - Jean Jacques Goldman
66 . Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
67 . Infatuation - Rod Stewart
68 . Young At Heart - The Bluebells
69 . Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell (feat. Michael Jackson)
70 . The Day Before You Came - Blancmange
71 . Reach Out - Giorgio Moroder (feat. Paul Engemann)
72 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
73 . The Ink In The Well - David Sylvian
74 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
75 . Just The Way You Like It - The S.O.S. Band
76 . Precious Little Diamond - Fox The Fox
77 . Breakin'… There's No Stopping Us - Ollie & Jerry
78 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
79 . Nervous Shakedown - AC/DC
80 . Are You Ready - Break Machine
81 . Girl You're So Together - Michael Jackson
82 . Slice Me Nice - Fancy
83 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
84 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
85 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
86 . 99 Luftballons (99 Red Ballons) - Nena
87 . In The Country - The Farmer's Boys
88 . You're Never Too Young - The Cool Notes
89 . Linda - The Ace Cats
90 . Tour De France - Kraftwerk
91 . Original Sin - INXS
92 . Just For Tonight (On Va S'aimer) - Gilbert Montagne
93 . Dream - P. Lion
94 . Your Are My Melody - Change
95 . Mr Solitaire - Animal Nightlife
96 . Les Deux Ecoles - Michel Sardou
97 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
98 . Empty Rooms - Gary Moore
99 . I Love Men - Eartha Kitt
100 . Desir, Desir - Veronique Jannot & Laurent Voulzy

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Castles In Spain - The Armoury Show
2 Minutes To Midnight - Iron Maiden
I Go Wild - Suzi Quatro
Less Cities, More Moving People - The Fixx

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Rock Me Tonite - Billy Squier
Careless Whisper - George Michael
I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder

:arrow: Disco-Dance Smashes:

99 1/2 - Carol Lynn Townes
Next Love - Deniece Williams
Take It To The Max - Special Request

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Careless Whisper - George Michael
2 . Agadoo - Black Lace
3 . I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
2 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
3 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat


1 . Self Control - Raf / Laura Branigan
2 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
3 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Self Control - Raf
2 . Fotoromanza - Gianna Nannini
3 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper


1 . Lobo-Hombre En Paris - La Union
2 . La Colegiala - Gary Low
3 . Hypnotic Tango - My Mine


1 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
2 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . The Glamorous Life - Sheila E.


1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
3 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Wouldn't It Be Good - Nik Kershaw


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
3 . Big In Japan - Alphaville


1 . Lulu - Tuula Amberla
2 . Muistan Sua Elaine - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
3 . The Reflex - Duran Duran


1 . Careless Whisper - George Michael
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
3 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
3 . Fuerstenfeld - STS


1 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen

:arrow: INXS:


:arrow: Alphaville:


:arrow: Iron Maiden:


:arrow: Jimmy Cliff:


:arrow: Billy Idol & Steve Lundquist:


:arrow: Germany 1984:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów

: sob sie 12, 2017 7:50 am
autor: gregpol
03.09.1984 (35/84):

1 . ( 1 . 13 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . ( 2 . 12 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . ( 13 . 14 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
4 . ( 12 . 13 ) Self Control - Raf
5 . ( 23 . 13 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
6 . ( 4 . 15 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
7 . ( 5 . 8 ) When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
8 . ( 9 . 12 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
9 . ( 11 . 9 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
10 . ( 6 . 30 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
11 . ( 10 . 9 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
12 . ( 14 . 5 ) It's A Hard Life - Queen
13 . ( 7 . 6 ) Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
14 . ( 29 . 3 ) Sunglasses - Tracey Ullman
15 . ( 8 . 13 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
16 . ( 20 . 4 ) The More You Live, The More You Love - A Flock Of Seagulls
17 . ( 24 . 2 ) I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder
18 . ( 17 . 6 ) Down On The Street - Shakatak
19 . ( 45 . 2 ) Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Junior
20 . ( 19 . 22 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
21 . ( 22 . 5 ) Careless Whisper - George Michael
22 . ( 3 . 9 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
23 . ( - . 1 ) Some Guys Have All The Luck - Rod Stewart
24 . ( RE . 4 ) You Think You're A Man - Divine
25 . ( 26 . 19 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
26 . ( 25 . 12 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
27 . ( 21 . 10 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
28 . ( 47 . 2 ) Dr Beat - Miami Sound Machine
29 . ( 15 . 13 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
30 . ( 16 . 10 ) Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
31 . ( 27 . 4 ) Agadoo - Black Lace
32 . ( 31 . 3 ) Like To Get To Know You Well - Howard Jones
33 . ( 28 . 28 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
34 . ( 30 . 22 ) Happy Children - P. Lion
35 . ( 33 . 8 ) Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
36 . ( 43 . 2 ) Passengers - Elton John
37 . ( 44 . 3 ) Toute Premiere Fois - Jeanne Mas
38 . ( 46 . 2 ) Still Loving You - Scorpions
39 . ( 32 . 5 ) Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) - Hazell Dean
40 . ( 34 . 6 ) Such A Shame - Talk Talk
41 . ( 36 . 3 ) Stuck On You - Trevor Walters
42 . ( - . 1 ) Femme Liberee - Cookie Dingler
43 . ( - . 1 ) I'll Fly For You - Spandau Ballet
44 . ( - . 1 ) Les Deux Ecoles - Michel Sardou
45 . ( 42 . 9 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
46 . ( 37 . 2 ) 2 Minutes To Midnight - Iron Maiden
47 . ( 35 . 15 ) Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
48 . ( 38 . 10 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel
49 . ( 39 . 10 ) Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
50 . ( 18 . 19 ) Footloose - Kenny Loggins

51 . Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
52 . On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
53 . Mothers Talk - Tears For Fears
54 . The Day Before You Came - Blancmange
55 . Dum Dum Girl - Talk Talk
56 . She Bop - Cyndi Lauper
57 . William, It Was Really Nothing - The Smiths
58 . I Need You - Pointer Sisters
59 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
60 . Master & Servant - Depeche Mode
61 . Love Songs Are Back Again - Band Of Gold
62 . Desir, Desir - Veronique Jannot & Laurent Voulzy
63 . Encore Un Matin - Jean Jacques Goldman
64 . Are You Ready - Break Machine
65 . Bye Bye - Billy
66 . Closest Thing To Heaven - The Kane Gang
67 . Madame Butterfly - Malcolm McLaren
68 . Reach Out - Giorgio Moroder (feat. Paul Engemann)
69 . Tossing & Turning - Windjammer
70 . Talking In Your Sleep - Bucks Fizz
71 . Dream - P. Lion
72 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
73 . Hole In My Shoe - Neil
74 . Slice Me Nice - Fancy
75 . Precious Little Diamond - Fox The Fox
76 . Hot Water - Level 42
77 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
78 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
79 . Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ultravox
80 . Girl You're So Together - Michael Jackson
81 . Sunset Now - Heaven 17
82 . Only When You Leave - Spandau Ballet
83 . Tour De France - Kraftwerk
84 . You're Never Too Young - The Cool Notes
85 . Young At Heart - The Bluebells
86 . NeverEnding Story - Limahl (feat. Beth Anderson)
87 . Catch Me I'm Falling - Real Life
88 . Linda - The Ace Cats
89 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
90 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
91 . Forest Fire - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
92 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
93 . Mr Solitaire - Animal Nightlife
94 . J'Aime L'Amour Avec Toi (Show Me Tonight) - Debbie Davis
95 . Din Daa Daa (Trommeltanz) - George Kranz
96 . Infatuation - Rod Stewart
97 . Just The Way You Like It - The S.O.S. Band
98 . Fuerstenfeld - STS
99 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
100 . Nervous Shakedown - AC/DC

:arrow: Records of the Week:

Go West (Crazy Spinning Circles) - The Cult
All I Need Is Everything - Aztec Camera
Hard Habit To Break - Chicago

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Cover Me - Bruce Springsteen

:arrow: Re-Releases of the Week:

Lost In Music - Sister Sledge
The Girl From Ipanema - Astrud Gilberto

:arrow: Ballad of the Week:

The Head & The Heart - Chris De Burgh

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . Careless Whisper - George Michael
2 . I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder
3 . Agadoo - Black Lace

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Reach Out - Giorgio Moroder (feat. Paul Engemann)
2 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
3 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas


1 . Self Control - Raf / Laura Branigan
2 . Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
3 . Les Deux Ecoles - Michel Sardou


1 . Fotoromanza - Gianna Nannini
2 . Self Control - Raf
3 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper


1 . La Colegiala - Gary Low
2 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
3 . To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)


1 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
2 . The Glamorous Life - Sheila E.
3 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
3 . Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Sammenhold, Du - Nanna
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
3 . Big In Japan - Alphaville


1 . Lulu - Tuula Amberla
2 . Muistan Sua Elaine - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
3 . The Reflex - Duran Duran


1 . Careless Whisper - George Michael
2 . I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder
3 . Self Control - Laura Branigan


1 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
2 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
3 . Self Control - Laura Branigan


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
3 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk


1 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
2 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
3 . I Love Men - Eartha Kitt


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen

:arrow: Laura Branigan:


:arrow: A Flock Of Seagulls:


:arrow: Diana Ross:


:arrow: David Bowie:


:arrow: Herbie Hancock:


Re: Eurochart - Europejska Lista Przebojów (Single)

: sob sie 19, 2017 2:07 pm
autor: gregpol
10.09.1984 (36/84):

1 . ( 1 . 14 ) Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . ( 2 . 13 ) Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . ( 19 . 3 ) Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Junior
4 . ( 17 . 3 ) I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder
5 . ( 3 . 15 ) High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
6 . ( 5 . 14 ) Big In Japan - Alphaville
7 . ( 4 . 14 ) Self Control - Raf
8 . ( 7 . 9 ) When Doves Cry - Prince & The Revolution
9 . ( 6 . 16 ) Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
10 . ( - . 1 ) Master & Servant - Depeche Mode
11 . ( 8 . 13 ) I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Nik Kershaw
12 . ( 21 . 6 ) Careless Whisper - George Michael
13 . ( 9 . 10 ) What's Love Got To Do With It - Tina Turner
14 . ( 10 . 31 ) Relax - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
15 . ( 11 . 10 ) To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)
16 . ( 13 . 7 ) Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol
17 . ( 12 . 6 ) It's A Hard Life - Queen
18 . ( 15 . 14 ) Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
19 . ( 14 . 4 ) Sunglasses - Tracey Ullman
20 . ( 16 . 5 ) The More You Live, The More You Love - A Flock Of Seagulls
21 . ( 26 . 13 ) Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company
22 . ( 18 . 7 ) Down On The Street - Shakatak
23 . ( 28 . 3 ) Dr Beat - Miami Sound Machine
24 . ( 20 . 23 ) Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
25 . ( 40 . 7 ) Such A Shame - Talk Talk
26 . ( 25 . 20 ) The Reflex - Duran Duran
27 . ( 29 . 14 ) Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
28 . ( 43 . 2 ) I'll Fly For You - Spandau Ballet
29 . ( 32 . 4 ) Like To Get To Know You Well - Howard Jones
30 . ( 23 . 2 ) Some Guys Have All The Luck - Rod Stewart
31 . ( - . 1 ) She Bop - Cyndi Lauper
32 . ( 31 . 5 ) Agadoo - Black Lace
33 . ( 36 . 3 ) Passengers - Elton John
34 . ( 33 . 29 ) Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
35 . ( 24 . 5 ) You Think You're A Man - Divine
36 . ( 22 . 10 ) State Of Shock - The Jacksons & Mick Jagger
37 . ( 35 . 9 ) Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville
38 . ( 38 . 3 ) Still Loving You - Scorpions
39 . ( 37 . 4 ) Toute Premiere Fois - Jeanne Mas
40 . ( 39 . 6 ) Whatever I Do (Wherever I Go) - Hazell Dean
41 . ( 42 . 2 ) Femme Liberee - Cookie Dingler
42 . ( 27 . 11 ) Stuck On You - Lionel Richie
43 . ( - . 1 ) Hot Water - Level 42
44 . ( 45 . 10 ) Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
45 . ( - . 1 ) Mothers Talk - Tears For Fears
46 . ( 44 . 2 ) Les Deux Ecoles - Michel Sardou
47 . ( - . 1 ) Madame Butterfly - Malcolm McLaren
48 . ( 41 . 4 ) Stuck On You - Trevor Walters
49 . ( - . 1 ) William, It Was Really Nothing - The Smiths
50 . ( 48 . 11 ) White Lines (Don't Don't Do It) - Grandmaster & Melle Mel

51 . Talking In Your Sleep - Bucks Fizz
52 . Talking Loud & Clear - O.M.D.
53 . Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters
54 . On The Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osborne
55 . Torture - The Jacksons
56 . 2 Minutes To Midnight - Iron Maiden
57 . Everybody's Laughing - Phil Fearon & Galaxy
58 . Sunset Now - Heaven 17
59 . Desir, Desir - Veronique Jannot & Laurent Voulzy
60 . Are You Ready - Break Machine
61 . Je Ne T'ecrirai Plus - Claude Barzotti
62 . Reach Out - Giorgio Moroder (feat. Paul Engemann)
63 . I Need You - Pointer Sisters
64 . Bye Bye - Billy
65 . Encore Un Matin - Jean Jacques Goldman
66 . Lost In Music - Sister Sledge
67 . Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
68 . Girl You're So Together - Michael Jackson
69 . Dream - P. Lion
70 . Dum Dum Girl - Talk Talk
71 . Precious Little Diamond - Fox The Fox
72 . Footloose - Kenny Loggins
73 . Love Songs Are Back Again - Band Of Gold
74 . Happy Children - P. Lion
75 . 1000 & 1 Nacht (Zoom!) - Klaus Lage Band
76 . Closest Thing To Heaven - The Kane Gang
77 . Slice Me Nice - Fancy
78 . Tour De France - Kraftwerk
79 . Manner - Herbert Gronemeyer
80 . La Vallee Del Eden (Jenseits Von Eden) - Nino De Angelo
81 . All I Need Is Everything - Aztec Camera
82 . NeverEnding Story - Limahl (feat. Beth Anderson)
83 . Mr Solitaire - Animal Nightlife
84 . You're Never Too Young - The Cool Notes
85 . Heaven's On Fire - Kiss
86 . Linda - The Ace Cats
87 . My Soul Unwraps Tonight - Savage Progress
88 . Tossing & Turning - Windjammer
89 . High On Emotion - Chris De Burgh
90 . T'as Le Look, Coco - Laroche Valmont
91 . Din Daa Daa (Trommeltanz) - George Kranz
92 . Forest Fire - Lloyd Cole & The Commotions
93 . J'Aime L'Amour Avec Toi (Show Me Tonight) - Debbie Davis
94 . Magic Touch - Rose Royce
95 . Oh Baby - Munchener Freiheit
96 . Tesla Girls - O.M.D.
97 . I Want To Break Free - Queen
98 . Fuerstenfeld - STS
99 . Cargo - Axel Bauer
100 . Hole In My Shoe - Neil

:arrow: Records of the Week:

(What) In The Name Of Love - Naked Eyes
Waiting For The Loveboat - The Associates
Another Silent Day - The Adventures
I Don't Believe A Word - A Bigger Splash
What I Like Most About You Is Your Girlfriend - Special A.K.A.
I Feel For You - Chaka Khan

:arrow: Sure Hits:

Blue Jean - David Bowie

:arrow: Sleeper of the Week:

Smooth Operator - Sade

:arrow: Local Talent To Watch:

Under Arrest - Alex Conti

:arrow: TOP 3 in Europe:

Wielka Brytania:

1 . I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder
2 . Careless Whisper - George Michael
3 . Agadoo - Black Lace

RFN (Niemcy):

1 . Reach Out - Giorgio Moroder (feat. Paul Engemann)
2 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
3 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas


1 . Plus Jamais - Jean-Luc Lahaye
2 . Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
3 . Baby Bla-Bla (Susanna) - Carlos


1 . Fotoromanza - Gianna Nannini
2 . Self Control - Raf
3 . Friends - Amii Stewart


1 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
2 . La Colegiala - Gary Low
3 . To France - Mike Oldfield (feat. Maggie Reilly)


1 . Careless Whisper - George Michael
2 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
3 . Mijn Stad - Danny De Munk


1 . High Energy - Evelyn Thomas
2 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
3 . Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Junior


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Stay The Night - Chicago
3 . Self Control - Laura Branigan


1 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
2 . Sammenhold, Du - Nanna
3 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins


1 . Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . Susanna (I'm Crazy Loving You) - The Art. Company


1 . Lulu - Tuula Amberla
2 . Muistan Sua Elaine - Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
3 . The Reflex - Duran Duran


1 . I Just Called To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder
2 . Careless Whisper - George Michael
3 . Like To Get To Know You Well - Howard Jones


1 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
2 . Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat
3 . Self Control - Laura Branigan


1 . Fuerstenfeld - STS
2 . Such A Shame - Talk Talk
3 . Sounds Like A Melody - Alphaville


1 . Big In Japan - Alphaville
2 . Two Tribes - Frankie Goes To Hollywood
3 . I Love Men - Eartha Kitt


1 . Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins
2 . Self Control - Laura Branigan
3 . I Want To Break Free - Queen

:arrow: Laura Branigan:


:arrow: Donna Summer:


:arrow: Frida:


:arrow: Island Records:
